D r e a m s are for the w e a k

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I was there.
When he said he could become a hero.
I was there.
When he rushed in head first to the sledge monster.
I was there.
When he threw his books into the fountain.
I was there for all of it.
The blood
The sweat
The tears
But I'm not talking about your main character, I'm talking about me.

Call me Malamute, Mal for short.

Now, as Deku, I have a story to tell. Not "how I became the world's number one hero." But "how I defeated the world's number one hero."

So let's take it back, all the way to the beginning. Junior high.

"Don't put me in with these extras!!" I looked towards the scene of my classmates who were all whipping around their quirks.
But one boy with blonde hair and blood red eyes stood out. His name was Bakugo Katsuki, his quirk was one of the best at our school. He planned to try out for U.A., like everyone. To be honest, he would get in. They was no doubt about it.

"Ok Bakugo, calm down before you blow a fuse. Midoriya aren't you trying out to?"
The class got quiet and my ears perked up.
"Ummm....y-y-yes sensei...."
The class erupted with laughter, I just smiled.
Midoriya was probably the smartest in this class. These kids wouldn't stand a chance if he had a quirk.
Bakugo went over to Midoriya putting his hand on his shoulder in not such a nice way.
"Don't you need a quirk to be a hero!?! Don't make me laugh, Deku!"
Bakugo glared at Midoriya.
"Alright that's enough, Bakugo! And of course! Y/N you will do great with your quirk!" Said Sensei.
"Thank you. I will work very hard." I said flashing a smile to the teacher.

"What? Who are you?" Bakugo said, turning from his seat and looking at me.
"Your classmate. L/N Y/N." I said turning back to look at my notebook.

"When did she get here!?" He yelled.
My ears went back and I winced.
"Could you stop yelling? It's really annoying." I said to Bakugo.
"HUH?! WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" He shouted back.
"I asked for you to stop yelling. My ears hurt." I said more firmly.

"Yes! Stop shouting in my classroom, you are being too loud." Sensei yelled at the blunt blonde.

The rest of the day went easy. Class ended and I grabbed my bag and got ready to leave.
As I stepped out of the door I went to grab my notebook, with all the different animals I researched. Damn I forgot it....

I bumped into a hard chest.
"I'm sorry, excuse me." I looked up to see sensei, with handfuls of paperwork.
"Ohhh! Let me help you, sir!" I took 3/4 of the paperwork.
"Wooow! I forget how strong you are, Miss L/N."
"Oh, thank you." I help him carry the paperwork to his classroom.
"Thank you for your help, I'm gonna miss you when you go to high school....."
I smiled at my teacher.
"Before you leave.... can I touch it?"
I tilted my head.
"I'm sorry?"
"Can I touch your tail?"
".....I'd rather not... it would be very inappropriate to be honest."
My tail swirls around my leg.
"I apologize! I didn't know it was like that..." he scratched his neck.
I waved him goodbye, I went to look for my notebook.
Searching around my desk, on the floor.
"So? You think you can compare to me? It as dumb as you are useless, Deku!"
I rolled my eyes at the loud comments flowing from the other side of the classroom.
I looked up at the boys, Bakugo and his usual gang picking on Midoriya.
"Don't even bother to try out, not like these notes will help you!"
In Bakugo's hand was my notebook.

Before the words could form on my tongue, my notebook made a swift dash out the window.

"No!" I jumped after it. Out the window I fell....
Landing in the bushes. Ouch. I shook my head and brushed off my uniform.

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