Ashes Ashes

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Ned had spent the past 2 nights at the avengers compound.

He had stopped by at May's apartment asking where Peter had been because he wasn't answering any of his calls and blew off their plans. She had assumed he was with Tony, but hadn't heard from him a little while.

He took matters into his own hands and turned up outside The Stark Towers and was greeted by Pepper. Turns out she was starting to get worried about where Tony had disappeared to and was just about to head over to the Avengers Compound to see if they knew anything.

They went together and turns out they'd both gone missing. Nobody had heard from them in a couple days. Normally, Ned would've been freaking out about meeting all the avengers, but he was busy worrying about Peter. Who knew what had happened to that kid?

Finally they got a message from a blocked number.

"I have Peter Parker and Tony Stark held captive. You should see the amount of blood in this room." Cue evil laughter. "They'll he left here to die if they can't escape within the month. Which they won't. You better start saying your goodbyes to your precious Spider-Man and Ironman."

Nobody could track it and everybody was starting to panic with worry. Neither of them had their suits so they'd be stuck in that place until they inevitably died. And there was nothing they could do about it.

Until Pepper got an alert saying that someone was trying to hack the system and everyone went into a frenzy to find their friends.

Peter finally passes out. He had cried for a good half hour, sobbing his heart out and Tony had been so desperate to give that boy a hug. That's all he's been wishing for since they got here.

Once Peter passes out, Tony just crosses his fingers, desperately hoping for some way to get his kid out of this awful situation. He doesn't think Peter can go through that torture again without totally breaking. Tony's honestly terrified that Peter will break like how Bucky broke when he got kidnapped.

He still can't believe that a 15 year old kid got himself into a situation like this one somehow. He can't believe that he let a kid get into a situation like this one.

All he can do is pray to whoever up in the sky might hear him to get them out of here.

Peter wakes up only about an hour later and instantly looks like he's about to cry again.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down, Pete. Please don't cry. Please don't cry again," Tony begs, feeling his heart break at the exhausted and pained boy.

"It all hurts so bad, Mister. Stark. Everything hurts. I... I wanna die, Mister. Stark. I can't do this again. I'm sorry. I just... I just can't. I can't do this again," he begs, holding back his tears desperately.

"You're going to be okay. I'm sure they're tracking our location right now. It's going to be okay, Pete. Just tell him the truth. Tell him the truth and he won't have a reason to hurt you, okay? Please just calm down," Tony murmurs gently.

He doesn't respond, focusing on forcing breaths into his unwilling lungs.

"I don't know what to do, kid. I'm sorry. I don't know how to help or what I'm supposed to do. I wish I could do anything," he says, voicing the turmoil that's been going through his head since they got here.

"It's okay, Mister Stark. It's not your fault. I don't blame you, so don't blame yourself. Just..... Could you count for me?" Peter pants, still struggling to make himself breathe.

"Yeah, sure kid. Okay," he replies. He starts counting off how long Peter should breathe in, how long to hold, and then how long to breathe out, keeping his voice calm and soothing to help his kid.

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