The New Girl Gets The Alpha As Her Mate 9

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Serena's POV

I woke up this morning with a headache. There was too much going on in my mind for this early in the morning. Ok. So today, I have to meet Aiden's parents after school. Ericka and her parents are going to be there, argh, and I am assuming Cal is also. Oh no. Cal. I know I hurt him, but I did not really have a choice. I am drawn to Aiden like a magnet and with Cal, it is just a different type of attraction. Maybe sexual or just something else but it definitely is not like what I feel with Aiden. Oh well. I guess I will have to see how it works out and just let my cards lay where they fall. I just cannot wait to see Aiden. Eeeekk! What am I going to wear? I jumped out of bed and grabbed some school clothes while I looked at my dresses that I had accumulated over the years but rarely ever wore. I decided to wear a white strapless dress because it looked innocent and it went well with my brown hair and eyes. I put the dress on my bed and finished getting ready for school. I would only have a few minutes between school and the dinner so I had to everything ready. I looked in the mirror and I felt confident as I heard Aiden's words from in the janitors closet repeating in my head. "I do not want anyone else but you" his voice rang in my ears. I smiled at the thought and ran out the front door to my jeep. "Today is going to be a good day," I said smiling like an idiot.

Aiden's POV

"Ugh, today is going to be awful" I said loudly, letting my mom and dad hear me so they would know that I think this dinner is bogus.

"Oh cheer up, Ericka and Cal are harmless, and maybe when you get this Sabrina girl around more civilized people, and wolves, you can see how she would be when you become alpha son. I mean, her father is a game warden, it cannot work out," my dad said smiling evilly, clearly plotting.

"First, her name is Serena. Secondly, she is my mate so you can just forget about me and Ericka, the end" I said, hopefully sounding as serious as I meant it.

"Son, you cannot seriously be thinking about mating a human. She cannot love you like your true mate will and she apparently has feelings for Cal. So, do not waste your time with her and go for a strong female like Ericka. This girl will get over you just as all humans do" my dad said trying to make his opinion a fact.

"She loves me to, and Ericka is a slut so even if something happened to our relationship I would never go for Ericka," I said spitting her name out like a bad taste in my mouth.

"Just be thinking about your options tonight is what your father is saying sweetheart" my mom said gently. She always was the reasonable one who just tried to make us get along.

"Ok. I will keep an open mind" I said, knowing that nothing they said or did could change my opinion about Serena. "I got to go to school but I will see you both after school for dinner" I said running out the door. Today is going to suck I thought to myself as I was jumping in my jeep.

Serena's POV

When I arrived at school, I searched the parking lot for the obvious cars, Cal's and Aiden's. I saw both but just went straight to the front doors of the school. Aiden caught up with me and gave me a breath taking smile. He grabbed my waist and gave me a short but sweet kiss.

"Hello. I am definitely looking forward to tonight" he said, but I got the feeling there was something bothering him.

"Me too. Is there something wrong? Are you regretting inviting me tonight?" I said backing away from him slowly.

"No, but you know how Ericka and Cal can be, and it is going to be all of us at a table. Cal wants you and Ericka wants me but we only want each other. I can just see it being a big mess and I do not want you in it." He said, looking at me like he wanted me to say well let's just not go.

"I think it will be just fine" I said grinning and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I will see you after school I said skipping away.

"Alright, I will pick you up an hour after school" I heard him yelling down the hallway as he walked away.

The rest of the day went by fairly uneventfully, probably because I was nervous about the dinner. When I got home mom and dad where there. I told them where I was going and they seemed shocked. "Well remember, sometimes it takes a while for someone's parents to like you" my mom said encouragingly. I got dressed and waited for Aiden to arrive. When he finally did he had a look of worry on his face but he quickly wiped it off before he got out of his jeep. When he came to the door his face lit up when he saw me. "Hello Aiden" I said batting my eyelashes.

"Wow, you look stunning" he said clearly proud.

"Thanks, do you think your parents will like it?" I said questioning my outfit already.

"Who cares If they do or don't. What matters is that you, and me, we are great for each other. This meeting is just so that you can meet them and know that me and Ericka are not on a date," he said as he smirked.

"Ok" I said following him to his car. I could not help but wonder what they would do if they did not like me. I hope they like me.

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