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"It's hot agaaaaaain." I whined, dragging my body to one of the oddly cold walls. "Stop complaining, hurry up and take the journal." Said a feminine and masculine voice in perfect unison from a vent in the wall next to my face very quietly. When were they ever going to get any air conditioning in this place; There was a vent in my room for Christ's sake.

I got up in a sitting position next to the vent and started to quickly but quietly unscrew the vent that separated me from my room and the inside of the wall like I have been doing since The Beginning. I couldn't really remember anything before this white void of a room; the name stuck because of how big, empty and white the room is. Just one bed; At least I had the pleasure of having a small bathroom with a lock on it. I remember when I was younger when they needed me and I locked myself in there; not a great idea to do in this place.

I finally got the small, square metal off the wall and silently snatched the journal out and quickly put the vent back on. Automatically, a small swarm of bees slowly surrounded my body that came from behind me, whispering excitingly.

I started to lazy swat at them with the journal in annoyance, "Stop it guys, they'll hear us!" I harshly whispered. The swarm silenced and immediately dispersed and back under the queen sized bed. I pulled my arm and the journal out of the air and on to my lap. I  could always feel them, like a tickle in the back of my brain, The bees I mean. They usually stayed under the bed, but sometimes I would wake up to them ringed around my body, whispering.

I stared at the journal, it had once been a sunny yellow color,  but now it was pale, urine color from the age and usage. I messed with the fringe hanging off of the side of it's spine.

"Did you read it yet?" Asked the two voices.  "Oh, sorry Cata." I apologized as I looked through the filled book to see what they had written. Finally, near the back off the journal, I found two slanted sentences that said the same thing, my ants aren't listening to me again. I smiled and wrote down they never do with a pencil I had kept hidden under my pillow. I reopened the vent and placed the journal back inside to wait for a response.

I could hear quiet metal scraping on the other side of the wall, then silence. Again I heard the noise start then stop. I looked in the vent and the journal was there again for me to read the next message. 

They keep trying to eat my chips I keep hidden, I would yell at them but then feel them get annoyed and ignore me, Little shits. I smiled again. My bees don't do ignore me or think I'm annoying, I do have to snap at them sometimes but otherwise they listen. Do you know they won't listen, you should probably feel it. I returned the journal once again, waited, then got the journal again.

They say their hungry but they're ALWAYS hungry it said with a frowny face after the period. Maybe you should punish them some how, send them off to their room. I giggled quietly as I said that, returning the journal once again to the vent to wait again.

I hear a longed out sigh, some loud scribbling then the sound again and then I went to read the message. EVEN IF I DID, THEY WONT LISTEN REMEMBER. It said in two scratchy sentences. I never knew why but Cata was always two people. Not one but two, infact they were one boy and girl. It was liked they both shared the same brain in a way, like a hive mind. They never did talk out each other, always at the same time, but I never questioned; didn't seem like any of my business.

I chuckled then went silent as I heard The Noise, it told me everything I feared, that they were coming again for one of us. It always sounded like squeaky wheels. I shoved the journal quickly into the vent, closed it, ran to my bed to hide the pencil, then quickly sat in the middle of it waiting fearfully and anxiously for them to either get me or Cata, The White Coats

This is my first ever book and so far it seems pretty good. Sorry if it seemed short, I'll try to write more next time.

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