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"Here Cata." I said handing the dandelion to the other girl who had blonde hair and unusual green eyes. Instead both her and the boy, exact copy of how she looks, reach out for the weed. "Not you, her." I whined, but then they both spoke together like robots, montone and emotionless. "This is me, we are me."

"Well fine if she isn't going to have it, then you guys can share." I said with a bit of a toothless grin. They smiled both nodding in agreement then again both reaching for the dandelion. "Now make a wish! And don't tell me I  said as I ran around in the artificial grass in circles.

They both stood for a second then answered, "I would like freedom." I sighed, then tumbled to the ground to then stop to stare up and at the "twins" and the unnaturally blue sky. "Not to me you fart, to the dandelion!" I claimed.  They both stood there, hesitant then both looked dead at the dandelion in-between their shared hands.

"I would li-" "Not like that either." I said getting back up to help. I then picked my own dandelion, thought about my wish then blew the seeds away in the wind; They both frowned. "See you don't tell me your secret either but that's fine I guess" I said then laying back down in the grass.

"But you didn't communicate with the weed at all, you just helped it reproduce." They looked very confused now. "No, it's wishes, you blowing it out is telling the dandelion your wish, then it'll come true!" I said smiling.

They thought about it for a minute, staring of into space forever, then finally they blew out their dandelion together. The wind automatically took the seeds away somewhere. They stared off where the seeds flew off for a while.

They both settled down on both sides of me on the grass and we just waited there till The Noise came back. "What did you wish for?" They both asked finally.

"I wished for the bees to come back."

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I waited, scared of when they would come in and take me, when they did, I usually blackout and wakeup to aches and pains and my bees all around me going crazy.

They were getting closer, louder as they came near my door, waiting for it to open and for the flash of light. But The Noise slowly left and got a bit quieter then stopped. "Oh Crap."

I heard two voices shriek out then silence, then The Noise start again and leave in the direction it came. That was the last one, the last of my friends, now I'm all alone with no one. There had been others like Atta who had her pretty but big Moths. She was on my other wall and she said she was blind, we would talk through the wall but then realized as The Noise took her that it came quicker for my friends when there was noises around.

I learned to whisper and never speak full volume of fear of The noise taking any of my other friends. But I guess that didn't work either; soon The Noise will come for me and I hope it takes me so I can be with my friends instead waking up back in my room not stolen from my mind's reality.

Back then The Noise was only known as the gifter, when we heard it, it meant there would be more kids to play with, I also didn't have a room. We were all put in a fake field filled with fake dandelions filled with fake wishes.

The kids The noise brought weren't always nice either. There used to be a boy named Scolo and he had his creepy centipedes that he always told to crawl over my body if I settled in the grass for to long, which then later he would laugh and say it was only a joke. He was usually quiet, off in the corner talking to no one but his bugs.

Now him and his bugs are gone too.

But then there was Dyna, with her massive yellow beetles. She was the oldest of the rest of us, early 20's and she was like all of our moms, she also helped me when Scolo would pick on me. She would let me hold her beetles and I would show her my bees, which were in the only tree in the field.

No one really knew about my bees except for her and Cata, I didn't trust anyone else, it felt like something that was personal to me and only me and who I shared them with. But then they took her away from me too.

After a while less and less kids where showing up and more of them were being taken by The Noise and soon there was just a few of us so someone or something decided we didn't deserve this field anymore, even if it was fake. So they flashed us with a bright light, blacked out and I woke up in this room, soon figuring out that everyone was in a room around me but soon they would all be taken.

I slipped off my bed and went into the corner to cry, to think was this my fault? Was this some sort of karma? Once a tear fell, I couldn't stop and I buried my face into my knees, silently wishing that The Noise had taken me instead of my last thread to reality.

I know I was quick to right the next chapter, but I'm excited to see where this goes (as literally no one is here. 😁)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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