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So this first part is going to sort of just clue you in to what's going on......

First off, Richard, Dirty Steve and Charley are all still alive, although the events of the first film already have happened, however Chavez and Doc will not be appear in this story as they have went their own separate ways into the world, Chavez to California, Doc to New York with Yen Sun.

Dallas is alive and the events of the Outsiders did happen, but Johnny is dead.

Let's just say the Regulators magically "time-traveled" or teleported somehow to 1965, Oklahoma, okay?

For this story, I chose to make Richard and Billy the Kid be brothers, because Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen are brothers. So Billy would be older than Richard because Emilio is older than Charlie......I also did this because it creates way more "juice" or drama for the story.

To make it fit in with the story, let's just say Billy was separated from his parents when he was a baby and grew up in New York and then later found out he was Richard's brother after Billy came to John Tunstall's farm.

Pat Garrett will later appear, based on the character from Young Guns 2, following along with the plot that he and Billy used to be best friends and now he's out to get Billy, blah blah blah......

Hopefully you're familiar with the events of Young Guns and the Outsiders so you at least know who is who and all.

I'm going to include a cast but I will also insert the cast here so I know I get it here for sure:

Emilio Estevez as William H. "Billy The Kid" Bonney & Two-Bit Mathews

Charlie Sheen as Richard "Dick" Brewer

Dermot Mulroney as Steven "Dirty Steve" Stephens

Casey Siemaszko as Charley Bowdre

William Peterson as Pat Garrett

Patrick Swayze as Darrel Curtis

C. Thomas Howell as Ponyboy Curtis

Rob Lowe as Sodapop Curtis

Matt Dillon as Dallas Winston

Tom Cruise as Steve Randle

Hopefully that's a good enough introduction cause that's all I got.

Hopefully you guys enjoy this story and at least give it a chance; it should be good, i swear.

Stay Gold

A Whirlwind's A Comin' - A Young Guns/Outsiders Crossover Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن