[ t h i r t e e n ]

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[Reader's Point Of View]
I giggled slightly as Jamison finished his joke, and continued walking through the base.
"So, mate. Was' goin' on with you an' Jack?" He winked at me, before opening a large door for me, letting me step through.
I felt myself blush a bit before I continued walking, and looked over at him.
"What do you mean?" I asked, acting clueless.
His experssion read irritated as he facepalmed,"Morrison asked the same thing..."
I chuckled quietly, making Jamison look down at me.
"See? Ya' laughin' mate. Somethin's definitely goin' on," He suggested, continuing to walk by my side down the hall.
I took in a deep breath before sighing,"I'll tell you. Only if we get breakfast, though,"
I gently elbowed him and raised my eyebrows, trying to convince him to have breakfast with me. He sighed and nodded his head.
"Whaddya want?" He asked as we turned a corner, making our way to the crowded breakfast area.
I glanced around, growing more nervous as I spotted Commander Reyes, and Captain Amari. Didn't they have a mission debreifing with Jack? He wouldn't lie to me, right?
"[Y/N], relax, mate. Ya' shakin'..." Jamison whispered to me as he put his hand on my shoulder.
I went to flinch, ready for my shoulders to sting in pain, but they didn't. It was...strange. Not feeling pain when someone touched me.
"Sorry," I sighed, before pointing to a nearby stand,"I'll just get a bagel. You wanna split one?"
He nodded and led me to the stand, ordering for me. It was nice having someone that understood that I didn't like talking to others too much. I eyed Commander Reyes as Jamison ordered for me. Had he been the one that heard me screaming? Does he think less of me now, because i'm not as strong as I was trained to be?
My thoughts were interrupted as Jamison handed me half of a bagel, and led me to a nearby table. He smiled readily at me, and nodded his head. I sighed, knowing he was waiting for me to start explaining.
"You know the whole...'domestic abuse' thing that was brought up in the last meeting?" I asked, looking down at the table as I took a bite out of my bagel.
I didn't think it'd be this hard to tell him. Jamison was my best friend, how could I not tell him? He comforted me when I first arrived at the base, and he'd let me stay in his and Mako's room a couple of times, until I got used to the base. Jamison deserved to know.
He nodded his head slowly as he tapped my shoe with his, making me look up at him. A wave of worry washed over his face as he nodded.
I lowered my voice, whispering to him,"I-it was me, and-"
He interrupted me, gently grabbing my arm,"Ya' didn't tell me? That meetin', when I put my arm around ya, i'm sorry, I-"
I interrupted him this time, hushing him as he spoke softly,"Jamison don't apologize. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But it's taken care of now," I nodded at him, trying to get him to ease up.
He lowered his voice, but he looked angry,"Who was it, mate? I'll kick their ass, I swear-"
I bit my lip, not sure how to tell him. Would he get mad at me that i'd let it happen? That I didn't tell him? That i'd told him I was in love with a man, but it was a lie?
Without thinking, I spoke softly,"I thought I loved him."
I refused to say his name. He didn't deserve to be spoken of again.
I held back a cry as tears threatened to burn my eyes. Jamison stopped talking, and stared at me for a moment. He frowned, before taking another bite of his bagel.
"It's alright now, right mate? Ya' said it's taken care of. Don't cry, please.." he spoke softly, his voice on the verge of shaking.
I'd realized he'd never asked me something like this before. I wiped my eyes swiftly, before taking a bite out of my pastry.
"I'm not."
We sat in silence for a bit, my mind wandering. What had they done with him? Why did I still feel horrible? He was gone now, right? I knew that later, i'd ask Jack. Am I allowed to, though? Do I really want to know what happened?
We continued to sit in silence, before I decided to speak,"You wanted to know about Commander Morrison, right?"
I crossed my fingers under the table, hoping he wouldn't be mad at me for changing the subject. He nodded at me and smiled, gathering himself.
I explained that Jack had told me that I couldn't go back to my room, and things escalated from there. He seemed to enjoy my story telling, as he furiously ate away at his bagel, finishing it before I finished mine.
"It's not wrong, is it?" I asked him.
It was stupid of me to ask him, he probably didn't even know what I was referring to.
"Nah, mate. It's obvious he has the hots for ya', anyway," he chuckled, softly elbowing me from across the table.
I smiled as I spoke,"What?"
He rolled his eyes before helping me stand up, and walking to the exit by my side,"As soon as I brought ya' up, his face lit up like a christmas tree," he laughed to himself.
I could feel my own face growing red as I laughed,"Oh,"
It hit me then what he had said. Jamison had only said my name, and Jack got flustered. I wasn't used to that, obviously. It felt nice...to know that my name could make someone flustered. And Commander Morrison, out of all people?
I keep forgetting to tell myself that this is different than last time. Jack promised he wouldn't hurt me, and he hadn't. I trusted him. And everytime I thought of him, i'd feel strange. Like my stomach was a bit upset, and it'd make me jittery. Hearing his name would probably make me flustered, too.
Is this what love feels like?
My thoughts were interrupted as Jamison spoke again,"You seen 'em lately?"
I shook my head and continued to walk by his side, making our way to wherever he wanted to go next. He looked ahead after I shook my head, and continued walking.


Jamison's expression read excited as he opened the door to his quarters, letting me go inside first. I glanced around, nothing had changed much.
His and Mako's beds were unmade, and various items were scattered throughout the floor. The TV was on, some kind of gaming device being plugged into it. There were two controllers, each one leading to a beanbag. I sighed and walked forward, slowly sitting down in one of the beanbags.
"Mako's at tha trainin' center. Figured ya'd like to play with me," He flashed a smiled before pressing 'A'.
I looked up slowly and realized the game that he had wanted to play was Mario Kart 64. I remember playing this on one of my first nights here at the base. Jamison, Mako and I all took turns, and we came to the conclusion that I was the best at the game. I found it quite ironic how the junkers, out of all people, were the friendliest toward me.
The game started, and Jamison was as competitive as ever. I glanced at him quickly, noting how he stuck his tongue out when he was focusing. Yeah, Jamison was wierd. But he was my best friend, in fact, one of my only friends here at Overwatch.
I didn't pay too much attention to the game, as I usually came in first or second anyways. Sitting here, playing the game was...strange.
A couple of days ago, I was sitting in my room, tied to a lamp pole. I was wondering if my life was even worth living. If it was worth it to go on. Now, here I sat, in Jamison and Mako's room, playing Mario Kart 64 with him. I was mostly content right now. Jack Morrison had feelings for me, for christ's sake. I wasn't forced to be tied up, and lay down on the ground for hours on end, wondering if I should end it right there. I got to walk around and get breakfast with Jamison this morning, without getting yelled at. It just felt...strange.
That much had really changed within the past couple of days. Saying this, though, I couldn't get him out of my mind. I can't just forget the hours of endless pain I was put through. Those images still haunt me when I try to sleep. Half of the time, I have to sit there with my eyes closed, and not fall asleep. His face always flashes through my mind, before I see a series of white flashes, and me screaming in pain.
And what about Jack? I'd never heard him curse before, with the exception of a death that occurred. He was crying during the interrogation, almost sobbing. Why did he like me so much? When it comes down to it, aren't I just a sad, used excuse for a person? Before Jack, i'd never felt the things i'm feeling now. I don't know if it's good or bad.
A thick australian accent entered my ears, and interrupted my thoughts,"Mate, ya' alright? Ya usually are more talkative when we play..."
I nodded and smiled at him, trying to focus on the game now.
"Yeah, sorry. Just kinda spaced out..." I reassured him, before passing him up.

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