[chapter 1]-part 1 [Crystal clear imagination]

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The five of us looked at each other. I pointed my sky blue wand at our opponent, a large creature. I cast a spell, expelling a blue light, warming my pale, freckled face. My blue eyes met it's as the creature was hit. My short ginger hair flowed behind me as the creature was defeated. We held hands as we walked up to the temple. "You think it will work Anna?" I look into her worrying eyes "Yes, it will work well, I'm sure of it" I sounded sure but even I was worried. We entered the temple and walked up to a sphere held up on a podium. I tightened my grip and looked deep into the sphere............................................................................................................................................................... "Annabell, Annabell, ANNABELL WAKE UP!" "Ah!" My eyes opened and my mom was right outside the door. "You were out like a light, I took almost 20 minutes trying to wake you up" I sighed and looked up at my mom. "Sorry I guess I didn't sleep well last night so I overslept this time" I got up out of bed then made my bed. My name is Annabell, obviously, and I'm your generic ginger. My body doesn't tan so I'm the most pale girl at my school. I'm energetic and kind, I'm also optimistic and hate bullies. I don't like being alone and tend to enforce teamwork in a group. I've been having these words dreams about adventures lately. They all involve me and four other girls, in a fantasy world. Recently they've been getting more and more vivid, and now by this point it feels like I'm inside the world. In the dreams it's as if I know about the world I'm in. I'm keeping silent about the dreams because I don't want to cause confusion in my friend group, especially since its july, the middle of summer. "Get up and get dressed in play clothes" I nodded and politely asked mom to get out of my room. Mom left and I quickly got out of my pajamas and put on a red shirt with a white plad pattern along with some simple grayish blue tights. I got out of my room and went downstairs into the kitchen. "Hey mom can I have a granola bar?" "Yes honey you can" mom handed me a granola bar and a plate of pancakes and scrambled eggs. I walked to a small bucket with condiments and slathered maple syrup onto my pancakes and eggs. We had a great breakfast, talking and laughing. "Mom, why did you wake me up?" she looked at me with a smile " We are all going on a walk with your friends and their parents" I smiled as I left the table to do my hair " ok mom, let me fix my hair! " I ran upstairs into the bathroom and put on some deodorant then brushed my teeth. I put my hair up in a high ponytail with a braided pigtails than I put a red ribbon with white polka dots around my head. I ran downstairs "mom! I'm ready!"

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