The Lemon

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Dawn's Lopunny (formerly a Buneary) had to face one single thing that was on her mind: missing Ash's Pikachu. She loved the mouse with all her heart but she just could not figure out how to tell him.

One night in the Berlitz residence, when everyone fell asleep, Lopunny hopped out of the house to go bounce where there is privacy. And that is where she went to: a small lake with a waterfall with no Pokèmon around. It was an amazing experience for Lopunny to enjoy herself doing three things: swimming, skinny dipping and doing herself. The density of the forest surrounding the lake was pretty much dense enough so that no one can hear Lopunny at all.

She swam for 5 minutes before doing the very thing she wanted: doing herself as her heat overrode her common sense, allowing her primal urges to take over her as she began to apply fingers in her pussy while groping one of her breasts with the other.

(Aaah! Aaah! Aaaaah! Oh Pikachu! Yes! Yes! YES!)

Lopunny moaned and screamed like insane, the hormones controlling her was simply so much. So much so that she kept this up until she released a heavy orgasm, her liquids mixed up with the fresh water of the lake. She took breathers before going back before her friends and her mistress suspected something.

She wasn't a stranger to masturbation. In fact, she has been in heat for months. The times she relieved herself of the heat was to usually use the dildo she installed inside the Pikachu plush toy she begged Dawn to buy for her. When it didn't seem to be enough, she had to leave to go to the same lake and do herself there. She had been doing that for weeks and it wasn't helping her lower her sex drive.

When she was back in, she had to use tissues to wipe off whatever dripping liquids remained in her pussy had left, the cold air of the night cooled her body enough to stop the sweating. She then took to her own bed, which was smaller. It was the very bed Dawn used when she was younger, now reserved for Lopunny. She went in, covered herself, snuggled herself in the warmth of the bed, and held the Pikachu plushie against her breasts.

(Mmmmm.... I wonder...)

Lopunny fell into a deep sleep afterwards.

The next morning...

(Hey! Hey Lopunny! Get up!)

Lopunny let out one eye open. It revealed her best friend, Empoleon. She groaned in irriation and turned around.

(Come on lazybones! You don't wanna miss breakfast!)

That wasn't Empoleon. It was Pachirisu, who bounced up and down in Lopunny's bed until she was grabbed by Lopunny herself.

(If I get up, would you stop treating my bed like a trampoline?)

(Yeah!) Pachirisu replied.

(Ugh, fine.)

Lopunny dropped Pachirisu, went up and went downstairs.

Empoleon asked...

(You really had to do that, did you?)

(Hehee~, guess so, your highness!)

Empoleon was irritated; the emperor penguin hated being talked to like royalty. He went along with Pachirisu following him.

Breakfast was rather haughty. Dawn had announced that Ash Ketchum has just arrived to visit her home. This was great news for Lopunny as Ash arriving meant that she was going to have the chance to spend more time with his Pikachu; her favorite Pokèmon and her crush. Lopunny has had enough of her shyness taking her over and if she wanted to claim Pikachu then she has to do it the right way: if that meant seducing him that it will be so if it was what it takes to get him as her mate.

Rule My Whole Body (a Pikachu x Lopunny lemon)Where stories live. Discover now