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Heeeeey, fellow human beings (Unless you're an alien or a robot, then: Heeeey, fellow aliens! ;wink wink;) So this is the introduction of the episodes, and a reminder for you guys to read the description I put in the book cover~

First Five Episodes:

Episode One: Spending time with my brother by dating some gnomes

Dipper Pines. Famous. Handsome. Magician. Physic. Annnnddd, doesn't have anytime to hang out with his sister because he's too busy with his shows. But when Somebody asks Mabel out, in order to get Mabel away from him, Dipper pressures Mabel to date the guy...But what if the guy isn't a guy? What happens when Dipper gradually suspects that it's a bunch of gnomes?

Episode Two: The legend of Old man Mcgucket 

There was a legend that citizens of gravity falls told, the legend of old man mcgucket, who lived further in the lake and made machines. Dangerous machines. Mabel drags Dipper further into exploring with Soos. Dipper agreed, but only because the machine had something he needed...Mabel gradually suspects Dipper is hiding something from her, and is keen to find out. 

Episode Three: Headhunters

Mabel. Arts and crafts loving Mabel. Mabel with so much free time. Mabel with so many friends. Busy friends. Mabel is super bored one summer day, and using her skill of arts and craft, created a pretty real life statue of uncle ford. (Ford, who is in awe by Mabel's abilities, decides to run a test on her). And when the test results proved to be interesting, ford makes more tests, tests where Mabel is pressured to make more statues. But when Mabel accidentally make the other statues magic, the statues take revenge. Revenge one what, you ask? That Ford is ruthless, throwing them around like garbage...What revenge? Murder.

Episode Four: The hand that rocks Mabel

Dipper's arch nemeses, Gideon northwest. The boy who probably has a crush on his sister, the boy who can only match his good looks, the boy who is as rich as he is, the boy who Dipper truly wants to destroy. 

When Grunkle Ford makes Mabel run an errand up to northwest manner to fetch Gideon Northwest, Mabel is dazed by Gideon's good looks, but is angered by his bad attitude, the two soon, instead of walking back to the mystery shack, they took a nice good walk and talked. The next time Dipper talked with Mabel, he realized his sister kept talking about Gideon, and is outraged by how lovey dovey he sounded. This is where Dipper and Mabel Stop getting along: When Dipper Traps Gideon and tries to kill him...What Will Mabel do?

Episode Five:The inconveniencing 

Wendy and her friends: Robbie, Tambry, Lee, Thompson and Nate, are considered the 'cool kids' in Gravity falls--and on the fifth day of summer (This episode) Wendy told Mabel she had earned her trust to hang out with her and her friends. Mabel dragged Dipper along to a haunted sho that Wendy took her, her friends, and the Pines to. What happens when the shop is haunted with spirits? Will the twelve year olds survive this?

Gravity Falls auOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz