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I had thought a lot about what Taeyong hyung said to me. I never planned on playing Ara, she is too precious. I could never hurt her. Although though I have hurt many girls in the past, but I had my reasons. I was stupid, I thought I could have anything. I was cocky.


Ara: how was practice?

Me: it was tough but not bad.

Ara: oh okay

Me: were you worried about me?

Ara: no i thought you died😑

Me: okkkkkk sure


Me: you're mean :(

Ara: me? Mean? Are you sure?

Me: yes very

Ara: well im not everyone says im nice

Me: well im not everyone

Ara: whatever

Ara: so when is ur comeback?

Me: next week why?

Ara: oh i was planning on going

Me: you would do that for me ❤

Ara: no i wouldn't. Im going to support my best friend duh

Me: :(

Ara: :)

Ara: well i got to sleep now bye✌

Me: good night


Me: good morning

Ara: morning

Me: what are you going to do today?

Ara: nothing tbh

Me: well we should go out

Ara: what are we gonna do?

Me: anything you want to do?

Ara: well i want to go to the movies

Me: ok we go a movie

Ara: alright I'll see you in 30 minutes :)

Me: ok :)

I started getting ready and I felt really happy. All my past 'relationships' didn't last long and ended very badly. Although we aren't together, I wish I was.

I finished getting ready and sat on the sofa looking through my phone to kill time. Jungwoo hyung walked in the living room. "Meeting her again?"

"Uh yeah" I smiled

"Well I hope you guys last" he said

"We aren't together hyung"

"The way you talk about her makes it seem like it." He shrugged

"Hyung, she really is everything to be honest."

"Dude you're whipped." He said and that's when the doorbell rung. "well have fun but not too much fun"

I laughed and opened the door. "Hey" she spoke.

"Hey" I replied

"Well we should get going so we won't miss the movie"

I am sorry for not updating. I just started and i have a lot of work and i can't get bad grades :( i promise to update weekly so yeah.

Bad Taste // NCT LucasWhere stories live. Discover now