If you touch her, your dead

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Jackson's p.o.v.
"Well I'm going to head to bed. I'm exhausted. I haven't a had good sleep in a long time." She says sighing but still has a little smile on her face.

"Ok night. Sleep well." I say getting up and putting Olivia in her crib. She smiles then walks out. I smile to myself. Everything's gonna be okay soon.

Emma's p.o.v.
I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. I look all put together but you can still see my scars and deep sadness behind it all. I pull up my sleeve and look at all my cuts. Well what used to be cuts. Now their just deep scars. They show how much I've been through. How much I've conquered but at the same time it shows how much I still need to work through and how I weak I used to be. I guess some scars don't heal like others...

"Hey Emma you ready?" My dad says peeking through my door. I quickly pull down my sleeve then look up at him.

"Oh. Um.. Y-Yeah. I think so." I stutter with a nervous smile as I grab my things. He looks at me not buying it.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yep. I'll be down in a sec." I say with a small smile. He smiles back then leaves.

I finish grabbing my stuff then walk downstairs only to be greeted by my family eating breakfast.

"Morning Emma." My mom says with a smile.

"Are you hungry?" She asks as she flips a pancake on the stove. I don't think I could survive having a whole breakfast full of talking with them yet.

"Oh um. No thanks, I think I'll just grab a banana or something." I say awkwardly. She looks up at me.

"Oh ok. Here." She says grabbing a banana and holing it out for me to grab. I grab it and start shaking for no reason. I suddenly freeze as I grab hold of it. My mom looks down at my hand and then back up at me.

"Um are you okay Em?" She asks me a little worried. I get snapped back into reality.

"Oh um yeah. Y-Yeah I'm fine." I say nervously. I turn to see my whole family looking at me with concerned faces.

"Well I better get going. You know, I don't want to be late." I say with a nervous giggle then head straight towards the door hoping no one says anything to me.

"Hey Emma!" My dad says. Crap. I think to myself closing my eyes then turning around.

"You forgot your phone." He says with a smile then giving it to me.

"Thanks...." I say awkwardly again then try to leave. But once again someone stops me. I'm so not in the mood right now. I just need to get the heck out of here!!

"Emma wait up! I'll drive you." Jackson says grabbing his keys then leaving the house.

"Alrighty then." I say sarcastically with a sigh.

I look back noticing my parents are still in the room looking at me strangely. I give them a small weird smile then bolt out of the house. What a great first morning back...

Rachel's p.o.v.
"That was so weird. I mean she was totally fine yesterday. And then today she was acting like we were complete strangers." I say pacing around the house.

"It's ok Rachel. She's gonna need some time to adjust and get back to her comfortable self with us. That's normal." Finn says sitting on the couch trying to calm me down.

"I know. But I can't help but worry about her still.... Thanks for coming this morning though. It really does help when your here." I say looking down.

"Anytime." He says with a small smile.

"Well I have to take the kids to daycare and then get to work but seriously, thank you for coming." I sat sincerely. He smiles then hugs me.

"No problem."

I really don't want to let go...

Emma's p.o.v.
As I walk into the school people see me and stare at me shocked like I'm sort of ghost or something. Nice welcome back...

"Whatcha guys looking at? Quit staring or the next thing you'll be staring at is my fist in your freaking face." Jackson threats the dweebs that are staring. They widen their eyes then walk away as fast as they can.

"Well if it isn't little miss troublemaker. Back from prison I see." A snotty cheerleader says coming up to me with Isabella and Sophia next to her. They both look at me with rotten smirks but behind that I know their sad and want to stick up for me.

"I wasn't in prison you whore." I hiss at her. She puts her hand over her heart.

"Ouch. That one hurt. Feisty troubled girl I see." She says. She walks past me and shoves her shoulder into me.

"Watch where your going slut." She says then walks away. I stand there and take a deep breath.

"You ok?" Jackson says taking my hand.

"Yeah I'm fine. I gotta go." I say then walking away from him. Then spending the rest of my day hiding from anything and anyone.

Rachel's p.o.v.
I walk into the house with the three little kids noticing no one else is home. That's weird. I look down at my watch and notice it's 4 o'clock. I hear the door open up and see Emma walk in with her head down.

"Hey Emma!!" I say happily. She looks up.

"Oh hey. I didn't think anyone was home yet." She says with a shy smile.

"How was school?" I ask her.

"Uh it was fine." She says. But I don't by it.

"Are you sure?" I ask to see if I can get her to tell me everything that's bothering her.

"I'm sure. It was great." She says with a small smile. Well it was worth a try asking.

"Ok." I smile back.

"Well I'm gonna go up to my room. I have a lot a homework." She says and starts quickly walking out.

"Do you know where Jackson is??" I ask her as she walks up the stairs.

"No clue." She says. I sigh then just start making dinner.

Jackson p.o.v.
I was walking out of school after football practice when I see the douche himself leaning on my car.

"Well if it isn't Mr. I can't keep my pants zipped." I say sarcastically trying to walk past him but he stops me.

"So I heard Emma's back in town." He says with a smirk. I grind my teeth and tighten my fists.

"I swear to god Devon if you lay one finger on her." I say to him angrily.

"Easy man. You wouldn't want to get expelled for getting in a fight yet again would you? I mean you want to get into college don't you?" He says sarcastically and grabbing onto my shoulder.

"You should just be happy the last time I saw you with my ex I didn't kill you. But I swear if I see you with my sister you will be dead." I threaten as I stare into his eyes. After a couple seconds he let's go of me and just stands there.

"Pathetic." I chuckle then get into my car and head home.

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