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They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It makes you feel like you can take on the day with some homemade pancakes and coffee. In Heidi's case, she gets to see people enjoy it every morning. 

"Order up," Joey, the cook, announced when he set down a platter of scrambled eggs and toast on the window sill of the kitchen. Heidi rolled her eyes but a smile played on her mouth. 

"I bought a bell, you know. Specifically so you wouldn't have to say that," she rang it once to remind the middle-aged man that it was there.

Joey's forehead creased as he eyed the bell, "Huh, well, would you look at that. 'Least I got you to remind me." Heidi could tell he was joking, but his face remained focused on the bell.

"Well, what are daughters for?" Heidi laughed. Her dad finally looked up and returned a smile.

Heidi took the dishes and served it to the booths that ordered it. 

She had worked as a waitress for the Break-Fast restaurant for nearly two years and for some odd reason, she never got tired of it. Apart from the fact that it was a family business, she loved knowing peoples routines. She even had this game in her head wherein she'd make up backstories for the people who ate there.

It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows though. Since the restaurant was so close to her school, she had to deal with a lot of teenagers... and their hormones -- which meant a lot of gossiping and a whole lot of snogging.

"Yo, Heidi," Frankie nudged my elbow, "Joey's acting weird again. What's up with him?" 

"I have no idea. He gets spaced out all the time now," Heidi replied, "I think he's just lonely."

Frankie crossed her tattooed arms and licked her lips seductively, "You know, I could help with that."

Heidi shoved her aside and chuckled, "Hey, I told you to stop hitting on my dad. He's twice your age; it's disguisting."

"That's no way to speak to your mother." Frankie frowned and tossed her green hair aside, dramatically.

Frankie takes over when Heidi goes to school. She was also a badass. She'd invite Heidi to come to her shows despite the fact that Heidi was under aged and even offered to give her her first tattoo for free. She was totally different from Heidi; the same girl who peed in 6th Grade when asked a question in Science class.

"Alright, I'm leaving. First day of school and I'm already late." Heidi began to pack her bag until Frankie stopped her.

"Woah there, you still have one guy left," Frankie nodded toward a guy sitting at the booth. He had a camera sitting on his table as he scrolled through his phone.

"Oh no, is he one of those Insta-Douches?" Heidi groaned when her friend nodded.

She knew Frankie shouldn't handle this sort of situation. There was a time when a group of friends stood on their chairs to get a birds-eye shot of their bacon with eggs and Frankie almost got arrested for 'slightly' pulling the chairs.

You can't blame her though. Breakfast diners are the target victim for Instagram photos.

"Just give him this coffee, and be on your way." 

Heidi made her way to the guys booth and asked, "Coffee for one?" 

Insta-Douche looked up and said, "Yeah, that'll be me."

Saying that this guy was attractive was an understatement; he was gorgeous. Heidi thought he was straight out of a magazine with his brown hair and electric smile (although he didn't smile). And don't get her started on his eyes.

"Uh, er- here you go." Heidi handed out the coffee and the plate below it somehow slipped on her fingers. Before she could let out a scream, the guy was already drenched in coffee.

"My camera!" The guy yelled as he quickly grabbed tissue and started dabbing it gently on his camera like it was his baby.

He looked back up at Heidi and raged,"What the hell is wrong with you, you b*tch!"

Furious, the guy stood up and took a step closer, only to be pushed back by an unfamiliar figure. 

"Are you sure about that, mate?" A British accent wove through the words of the stranger. The Insta-Douche grunted and stomped out of the diner with his camera at hand.

The man, and newfound protector, turned to Heidi and smiled, "Clumsy as ever, Blake."

"Louis Tomlinson?"


don't worry, i'm just as confused as you are.

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