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"Louis Tomlinson?" Heidi gulped, amazed that her voice managed to escape her mouth.

The boy in the brown coat grinned, "That'll be me."

The waitress was, without a doubt, speechless. Also, overwhelmed at the fact that a boy she hasn't seen in so long was standing right in front of her. Thankfully, Frankie made her way to the odd pair with a concerned look on her face.

"You okay, H?" Frankie glanced at the unfamiliar boy before returning to Heidi, "I'm sure I would have socked that guy in if I wasn't in the kitchen." 

"I'm fine," Heidi assured, trying her best to avert her eyes from the boy. Frankie sensed the uneasy tone of her voice and raised a thin-tweezed eyebrow at the unfamiliar face while giving him an intimidating head-to-toe look. 

"Nice to meet you," Louis pulled out a hand to Frankie, "I'm Louis Tomlinson, Heidi's friend."  

Frankie ignored his hand and asked Heidi doubtfully, "You have friends?" 

Heidi rolled her eyes and glared at Louis, "He's not my friend. And I would prefer that he would leave the diner. Now." At this moment, she would have loved for Frankie to beat the sh*t out of Louis until her dad decided to intervene.

"Now, what's going on out here? It's like the entire Kardashian family is out here." Joey asked and then spotted Louis, "Tommo? Is that you?"

Louis responded with a huge grin on his face and Joey pulled him in for a hug, delighted. Heidi, on the other hand, was the opposite of delighted. She could already feel her blood curdling under her skin.

"It's been so long! How is London? Still as posh as ever?" Joey mimicked a British accent in which Heidi groaned to in the background. 

"Yep, still is. Although not the same as when you and Heidi were there," Louis winked, "Mum misses you both."

"Oh, that liar, Jay. She knows she only wants me for my brownies-" Joey was cut off by Heidi.

"This little reunion is fun and all and I would love to hear more about how Louis has been," she gathered her backpack and slung it over her shoulder, "But I've got school and I really have to go. Bye." 

At an attempt to escape, Heidi rushed over to the door until Louis stopped her.

"Wait, there's another thing I have to say," Louis informed, "I'm moving here, in California. And I believe that we're going to the same school."

I'm moving here. We're going to the same school. Heidi didn't want to believe anything so ridiculous. She felt her heart drop to her stomach. An aching sensation made it's way to her head.

"That's great," Jay said, "Heidi can walk you to school. It's only a block away."


"No." Heidi said.

"Heidi, please-" Joey began.

"I said no." 

And with that, Heidi left the diner. Louis gave Joey and Frankie an apologetic look before running to catch up with Heidi. The two stayed silent as he left through the doors. 

Still confused, Frankie asked, "Jesus, what did he do to her?" She had never seen Heidi this tense before. 

"Remember the time we went to London three summers ago?" Joey said.

Frankie nodded.

"Let's just say she was really really hurt."


now i'm even more confused

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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