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Blood is all I can remember. Lots and lots of blood. And i was the cause of it...

"AL!" I shot up to my aunt Leslie's shout. "WHAT?!" I yelled at her,

"Watch that tone of yours" she snapped back. "Anyway we're here" she said the venom in her voice gone after one look at what my new 'home'....

Wonderland Mental Institute a place for the broken minded, which is what I am apparently.

From what I heard The Institute is divided into two sections:

The Royals which is basically a place for the richer patients and all that went through their treatment seemed to have, out those doors a better and happier version of themselves..... maybe a little too happy if you ask me. One of my classmates that went here and was put in this treatment never stopped smiling after she got out, she constantly giggled at every little thing, even if it wasn't funny.

I caught her crying in one of the bathroom stalls near the gym, but she still had that disgustingly creepy smile on her face.

A few months later she was found dead, apparently due to suicide.

But no one believes that.

and then there's the middle class which is where I'm going to be put in. I never really heard much from this part of the asylum since the patients in here will be moved later to the Royals, but I overheard a few of the towns people that live near the asylum talk about how their child who they put in the asylum and hasn't gotten out in almost two years.


" Are you okay Al?" my sister Margaret asked from the front seat.

"As okay as someone who's gonna spend their entire life in a mental hospital" I answered, sarcastically.

"Al you're not going to spend your entire life in there.....

besides it's only a year so stop overacting " She assured.



Just a year...

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