Chapter 3- Valus the Minotaur

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Wander's legs couldn't support him, and he stumbled backwards, gaping up at the miles high beast that Dormin claimed to be Valus.

Stand, warrior. Show us what thou art made of.....

Hearing this, Wander steeled his resolve, stood up, and began charging for Valus. "Hyaahhh,"he screamed. Then, he stopped short, as did the colossus. It began turning slowly, ever so slowly. When it finally completed its turn, eyes were bright orange. Wander could feel the burning fire of rage in those eyes.

Warrior, reflect the light of thy sword onto the colossus, and it's vitals shall be revealed.....

Dormin's voice trailed away again, and he tried the sword. The area seemed to darken, and a light appeared on the colossus. At the back of its left thigh was an eerie red glow, and Wander could probably have guessed that this was it's so called "weak spot". Among the thundering of footsteps from Valus, Wander sprinted towards the leg. The giant's size allowed the boy to catch up, and oddly enough, in contrast to the stone-hewn look of the chest and face, it's leg was covered in a shaggy fur, long and coarse. Wander also saw a faint blue light coming from the center if the calf. Making a large leap, he jumped and clung to the fur. The colossus, feeling the enemy, shook his leg violently back and forth. Wander's grip held firm, and he began scaling the leg, making his way towards the gash. Upon reaching the wound, he drew his sword, and plunged it into the gap. With a mighty roar, the beast fell to it's knees, and Wander used this opening to continue climbing the beast.

He groped up the fur on it's back, making his way up towards it's head. He figured, that since it has a head, a vital should be there. Upon reaching a place where he could stand, his sword began glowing once again. This time, the light coalesced upon a large blue sigil upon its mighty skull, identical to the one on his tabard. With a yell, he leaped,throwing his weight into a sword thrust aimed at the sigil. As the sword sunk into its flesh, the beast roared, and with the sword coming out, a fountain of viscous black fluid sprayed all over Wander,nearly throwing him from Valus. After taking a moment to recover, he stabbed the colossus once more, and with that, it's eyes went from a fiery red, to a cold blue, and finally fading altogether. The dead beast slumped to its knees, and fell with a mighty crash. As Wander was pitched with force from the head, he brushed himself off, and got up. As he gazed upon the fallen beast, slender black tentacles began appearing from the fading sigil, while the entire being began losing all color, fading to a shade of perfect black. In fright, the boy sprinted with all of his remaining strength away from the shadows, but they quickly began to overtake him. As the tendrils plunged through Wander's midsection, his vision faded to white and collapsed...

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