Gone - Chapter 11

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This chapter goes to BaileyKanandash
Because she figured out why I put 1130 as Kat's room.
It's Ian's birthday ^ - ^ (November 30th)

Hey guys. xc
Kalel, I know you're going to kill me after this... This was the only idea running through my head. ;~; oh god. I already feel horrible.

| Ian's POV |

Seeing Kat like that, felt like everything was my fault somehow. Like it was my fault I called and it caused both Kat and Laura to go to the hospital.

My breathing was jagged, and tears were falling down my face. Anthony was sympathetically rubbing my back in patterns, it soothed me a bit.

Someone began running toward us, panting from running around I assume.

Anthony arose as in the presence of this stranger, and the words that came out of their mouth, practically destroyed my world.

"Mr. Padilla? I'm afraid to say, but Laura's heart has stopped functioning." The stranger with a high voice said.

Everything horrible that could go wrong right now, did.

Breathing was now becoming difficult, tears began flowing down my face harder. I didn't even realize I was screaming, until both Anthony and the stranger sat beside me.

I heard Anthony mumble to the stranger, and she fled. Running back into the hospital again.

Anthony began rubbing my back once more, soft strokes.

"Baby, I need you to stop screaming..." he whispered in my ear.

And magically it stopped. I wasn't in control of my mind, but somehow it listened to anything Anthony would say.

Anthony then wrapped his arm around my waist, and I plopped my head onto his shoulder.

"Ian, this is none of our faults, you have to understand that..."

"But-but I have so much guilt! Now Laura's dead, and I have nothing to do about it!" I manage to say through my sobs.

"Ian, I have more guilt than you..."

"But you aren't crying..."

"I didn't want you to see, I mean this whole thing was technically my fault. I set up the dates."

We were interrupted by the stranger again-to which this time I glanced up to see who it was. It was a blonde nurse, red faces from running again.

"Mr. Hecox and Padilla, I'm afraid to say but Kat's heart has stopped as well... I'm sorry boys..."

| Anthony's POV |

That was it. It took that much for me to break down.

2 girls we met today, have died.

The nurse looks to both of us with questioning eyes.

"If you guys could help us identify them, so we can contact their families that would be perfect."

"We'll be right in..." I mumble.

I look over to Ian who was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Babe, look at it this way. Now they are finally together..."

"Yeah..." he says with a smile and looks up to the sky.

"Laura... Kat... I'm sorry for what happened. I wish it never turned out like this. I hope you guys reunited. And Laura, thanks for keeping my secret safe. In a way, you girls have brought us together. Thank you for tonight, even if it ended up this way. I feel bad that you're gone, but now I know you're in a better place." Ian says with a smile.

"You ready to go inside?"

Ian nods, wipes his tears away, and stands up.

I stand up as well, immediately sticking to his side. He looks over to me, and intertwines my hand with his.

We head into the hospital together, and dive straight to the receptionist.

"Hi boys! Sorry for your loss... Can you guys help me with some things?"

We nod and sit in front of her desk.

"So do you guys know what Kat's last name was?"

Was. God that sounds wrong.

"Uhm, Johnson I think." I say with a bit of a smile.

"Alright and Laura's?"

"Headley." Ian mumbles.

The lady types things in, and looks back to us with a frown.

"Do you guys uh... want to see them for the last time?"

I sigh.

"I guess so..."

"Okay, then come with me gentlemen..."

We stand, and follow the nice lady.

We arrive back to Kat's room, 1130 and see her lying there peacefully.

Her heart monitor was now taken out, so we don't have to listen to the flat-lining sound.

| Ian's POV |

I rushed over to Kat's side and take her hand into mine.

Tears begin forming in my eyes, and I lightly kiss the top of Kat's hand. Anthony copies, and the receptionist stands in the door.

"Do you boys want to see Laura? She's in rough shape, so if you're queasy, I suggest not going."

"Sure, we aren't queasy, don't fret."

"Okay, follow me then!"

It seems like we stalk her from behind, but both Anthony and myself has our heads to the ground. Watching our feet.

"Here you go..." he says and extends her hand.

The door had the number 0916 on it.
And in big words, it read 'Intensive Care'

I inhaled, and entered with caution.

It was so sad to see!

Laura was bandaged up, dried blood all over her face, and she had tubes everywhere.

Anthony quickly rushed to her side, and began crying.

"I'm so sorry..." he whimpers and kisses Laura's forehead, which was laced in dry blood.

I come to her other side and grab her hand. I mimic what I did to Kat, lightly kissed her hand.

The nurse takes us out of her room, and leads us to the front desk.

"If you boys need anything, don't be afraid to call..." she says and hands us a little card.

We walk out of the hospital, with a sudden weight lifted off our shoulders.

And we were finally a couple.

I rubbed my eyes, entered the car, and passed out. (He's sleeping, not ill cx)


Well I feel like a bitch writing that.

Kalel I'm sorry for killing us off. At least we are happy together cx

So uhm whoever guesses why 0916 is gonna be shouted out next chapter :D
**contest is closed. The answer was Anthony's birthday! thanks to all who entered c:**

Thanks for reading!

Next chapter will be on Kalel's profile soon! ;3


Have an excellent one!

Jag älskar dig!


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