Chapter One

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Dragons? Phoenix?

 Tristan had never thought any of it existed. But now that there was two supposedly mythical beasts in his face attacking each other with flames flying everywhere, he had no choice but to believe.

As the Dragon threw the Phoenix down and stalked toward him, it’s long claws and heavy paws leaving prints in the scorching ground, he realized there was no running away from this, so he did all he could. He stood and faced the monster, which had its mouth pulled back showing its enormous sharp, white teeth. The Dragons mouth flew open and Tristan could see the flames building in his mouth. It's about to fire. He raised his long sword in a last feeble attempt and charged toward the beast. The fire was coming toward him as if everything was in slow motion. Is this how I'm going to die? It can't end like this. I won't let it.

"Was that up to standard?" Tristan Mathis asked his friend as he levitated in his seat. The thin near invisible string holding his chair up. "This has to be perfect for tomorrow night."

"It could have been better." Simon joked. He was standing a little away from Tristan, and was amusing himself. He usually would be having fun watching Tristan preform but after 3 hours, anything gets boring. Plus even the cool of the auditorium couldn't stop them from sweating.

Tristan started lowering the seat that held him in the air. "You laugh but it's true. It doesn't look real enough." 

"Well it looked fine to me and besides everyone loves the magic and hypnosis acts you put on, so stop worrying so much." Simon reassured him as he played Angry Birds on his phone. 

  "Yeah I guess you’re right. But as I said before Hypnotism is a form of magic." Tristan said while wiping his face. His fair blonde hair hanging to his sweaty forehead.

  Simon nodded his head in recognition. "Yeah, yeah, how could I forget?"

  “You forget a lot." He reminded Simon. "Alright I think it's time to go." 

  "Well, that's a wrap," his friend Simon said between chuckles. "I've always wanted to say that."

  Tristan shook his head in disapproval but a smile broke through and appeared on his face.

  Simon always knew how to make him smile, that was one of the reasons they were friends. When they were young everyone would make fun of his name but no one did it like Simon. Simon made jokes about Tristan's name but he made him laugh while he did it. They cleaned and returned everything to normal before they exited the school and started their way home.

  The city was as alive as ever. People were everywhere even though it was almost eleven at night. Returning home from their late shifts at work. Tristan and Simon stopped in front of the intersection to part ways.

  “Alright, I guess I'll see you tomorrow" Simon said with a wave as he turned and walked away.

  "Yea, see you tomorrow." Tristan returned. “Oh, don't forget to set up the props and tricks tomorrow."

  "Don't worry I've got it." Simon answered without turning around.

  Tristan started home. He went to the shortcut he had been using since he moved here. The short cut was an alleyway and like all alleyways it was cramped, dark, and smelled thanks to the green slimy garbage cans that inhabited the place. Not many dared to go this way since the stench was horrific as if the smell the garbage cans were emitting were a territorial defense that they used to keep people away.

It didn't bother Tristan as much. He had been using it for long enough that he was used to it. But if he was not careful and took a deep breath it would make his nose burn as if his nose hairs were tiny matches that were suddenly set off.

Phoenix Feathers: The MagicianWhere stories live. Discover now