Chapter three: Self-Preservation

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The noise that comes out of Scarlett's mouth makes me want to vomit. I want to turn away from her, but it's as if I am frozen, watching the scene unfold in front of me. She is lying on the ground, having collapsed due to the curse. I stare at her fragile body, writhing in pain. Her screams do not cease.

Her pain does not stop.

After what feels like an eternity, Carrow is done. Scarlett still lays there, her eyes glossy with what I can only assume are unshed tears. I know what the curse feels like, and I swallow thickly, still staring in shock just like the rest of the classroom.

It takes me a couple of minutes to feel capable of speaking...or moving. I walk over quickly, kneeling down in front or her, letting out a shaky breath. "I'm here." I say quietly so that only she can hear me. I then pick her up carefully, supporting her small frame.

"Mr. Malfoy. I suggest you let her get back to her seat. And that you return to yours." Carrow says carelessly, and I can feel the rate radiating through my body. "I suggest you shut the fuck up." I say lowly, my voice intense. He raises his eyebrows.

"mr. Malfoy, need I make an example of you as well?" he asks slowly. "I'm sure your father would be very disappointed to hear of your little outburst. What is it that he says? Respect your elders, boy? And especially after last semester.what is Lucius going to-'

"don't talk about my father!" I practically scream, my body buzzing, shaking from the amount of anger. I close my eyes, collecting myself for a moment.

"do not speak about my father. He has nothing to do with this. now, you can do whatever the fuck you want with me. But you will never touch Scarlett again. Or I will show you what real pain feels like." I threaten, a manic glint in my eyes.

I turn on m heels then, exiting the classroom and looking around, my head swimming. I let out a shaky breath, deciding to take her back to our room. I walk quickly, saying our password before going in, shutting the door and leaning against it. My body is restless, running at a million kilometers second.

I am trembling, needing to get it out. I need to get the anger out.

I push off the door, carrying Scarlett to our leather couch, laying her down. As soon as I put a blanket over her, I pace to my bedroom, slamming the door and muttering a silencing spell.


I listen to him leave, slamming his bedroom door shut, and I flinch a bit.

M head feels fuzzy, and I can't think clearly. Our room is silent. Too silent for my liking. I try to sit up, turning and vomitting, tears falling from there eyes. I didn't notice my shaking until then. My senses feel almost drowsy...I feel like I'm having a panic attack. "Draco?" I call out as loudly as I can, my voice shaking.

The room remains silent. I squeeze my eyes shut, curling up into the fetal position and laying there until I pass out.

When I wake up, I feel decent. It smells absolutely vile, and I remember that I need to clean up my own vomit...that is absolutely disgusting.

I stand up slowly, my legs still a bit wobbly. I pull out my wand, cleaning up the mess before making the smell go away. I let out a shaky breath, walking over to Draco's room, attempting to open the door. Of course. Of course he fucking gas a ward up.

I groan, knocking loudly. "Draco Malfoy, open this door!" I say loudly, waiting for him to answer.

More silence.

"Draco fucking Malfoy. You come here and let me into your room right is instance or I swear to fucking god, I will get in there by some other means. And when I am inside, it will not be a pleasant conversation. Now, I suggest you walk your scrawny little arse over here and open the goddamn door before I-"

Dancing with Midnight {Draco Malfoy} sequelWhere stories live. Discover now