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"Excuse me." I spoke quietly in the crowded hallway, already knowing nobody would hear me. Why would they?

I'm practically invisible anyway.

Sighing and running my fingers through my hair, I made eye contact with a boy dressed in a black, leather jacket.

He smirked towards me before turning away and walking over to his friends.

Parker Chase.

Nearly everybody knew him. He was always getting in trouble with the law and of course the whole of this schools population would somehow always find out.

He was infamous.

I heard the bell interrupt my thoughts and quickly started walking to my English class. I'd already taken my books out before lunch.

I was one of the first few people there, aside from the geeks and the other outcasts like myself.

Our teacher wasn't in yet and I was confused. Mrs Richards is always here before any of us. Always. Why was she suddenly late this time?

We must have a relief teacher then. Damn.

Soon enough after having that thought, the door swung open to reveal a woman dressed in red, slightly messy hair and was panting as if she was out of breath. It was, without a doubt, Mrs Richard's.

"Sorry I'm late, I had a few important errands to run. Thank you for your patience." She apologised.

She placed her things on her desk and began class.

This was going to be interesting.

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