⇣ VIII ⇡

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                        ✢ _____________________________✢
                        ⇟ ▒ ❋ Castle on the clouds ❋ ▒ ⇞

I don't remember falling in love with you, I just remember holding your hand and realising how hard it will be to let it go. ❞

"Ah, my back hurts." Jungkook yawned and glanced towards the smaller male, who was now curled up like a new born, with his face buried in Jungkook's chest. Patches of green covered both of their bodies.

Cute. He thought to himself. Jimin's fluffy brown hair were illuminated with the morning sun's glow. Jungkook wanted to run his fingers through them. He debated on whether he should or not, Jimin looked irresistible.

Fuck it. He thought, as he ran his fingers through them, untangling the knots of Jimin's bed hair.

Jimin wasn't much of deep sleeper, the simple action made his eyes shoot open, he stared emotionlessly at Jungkook's face, registering the surroundings and letting his memories pile in.

Jungkook chuckled.

"No good morning kiss?" He pouted.

Colour creeped onto brunette's- the shorter one- cheeks.

"You are not my boyfriend." The grumpy Jimin gagged and then sat up, followed by the younger male.

Something similar to hurt- or maybe sadness- flashed through Jungkook's face. Such a shame, isn't it?, He thought.

"Yet." Jungkook bobbed his head side to side and cracked his knuckles, pushing his hair backwards.

Jimin did not know how to respond to that, he was confused, like always.

Imagine being a young boy, whose mother died and whose father acted he didn't exist anymore. A boy who came to knew his potential boyfriend's dead brother had a crush on him, and that the only mother figure he has in his life sees her dead son in him, not forgetting to mention that his boyf- no- crush's father hates him and takes him responsible for the death of his son and the downfall of his business.

Jimin knew his life was a mess. He was insecure, like always. It felt unreal, like a never ending dream. He was trapped in his own body, he was still the 15 year old lost boy. Something in him was constantly telling him that he didn't deserve Jungkook, that he didn't deserve to be loved.

He was afraid of being forgotten. He was afraid that eventually everyone will get tired of him like his own father. He was afraid of being replaced.

"Hello? Hello? Earth to Park Jimin." Jungkook waved his hand in front of Jimin's face.

"huh?" He broke out of his long trail of thoughts.

The younger brunette leaned over and kissed his cheek, turning Jimin into a red -and hot- mess.

As if Jungkook heard his thoughts, he began speaking,

"You know, I'll never leave you, right?" It was as if he was aware, as if he knew Jimin like the back of his hand.

"Nothing lasts forever, Jungkook," He mumbled, lowering his head, then glanced back at Jungkook, "People fall out of love, just as easily as they fall into it."

For a moment, Jungkook was left speechless, he then nodded, placing his index finger below Jimin's chin and lifting his head up, "That doesn't mean we have to fall today, we can prance around in our little castle on the clouds, it might rain, there might be thunderstorms, we might break into pieces and fall, but the sun will shine again, it will lift us up again. Love is never ending, it can be stopped, not destroyed."

Jimin stared at Jungkook in awe, his eyes sparkling with tiny tear drops.

"Will you build a castle on the clouds with me, Jim?" He chuckled.

"You are too cheesy." Jimin fake gagged.

"Oh c'mon, we know you love it." He winked, smirking.

"We?" Jimin cutely titled his head to one side.

"You know, me, and all these people crying and waiting for you to kiss me." He winked into space and smiled, sending a thumbs up to you.


"You are so weird, I swear to god." Jimin laughed, whole-heartedly, for the first time in a while.

"Shut up and answer my question," Jungkook whined.

"Yes, I will build a castle on the clouds with you Jungkook." He rolled his eyes.

Jungkook kissed him, sweetly, then rested his forehead over Jimin's.

"Kids these days," A complete stranger, who happened to pass by, shook his head at the young couple, disgust covering his face.

Jimin tried glancing on the source of this voice but Jungkook cupped his face and held him back.

"It might rain, there might be thunderstorms, we might break into pieces and fall, but the sun will shine again."
Jungkook repeated, his hot breathes mingling with the elder male's heavy ones.

"I'll always be there for you." He let out a barely audible whisper.

Author's note ➳

I hope you liked his chapter. This chapter is personally my favorite one, but I hope this was not too cheesy.
I am sorry for keeping you guys waiting. I haven't been in the best condition to write, mentally. My board result is a day after tomorrow and anxiety is eating me away. Pray for me. Thank you for reading.

P.S i love crushing the fourth wall.




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