Chapter 1

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Ash's POV
I am now walking inside this supid high school called Kalos high. I know stupid name right? By the way I am Ash Ketchum Kanto champion and my starter was a pikachu who wanted to be a Raichu and he is not like any Raichu he can knock out any pokemon with one thurderbolt. By the way he likes to stay out of his pokeball. Well I have to get battle class so bye.
Timeskip Battle Class
3rd Person POV
Ash has just entered Battle class and he is wearing black ripped jeans, black hoodie and purple shoes and red hat(A/N Ash is emo as FUCK and his favorite song is Pain from Three day grace)
" Today class we have a new student. Come in Cynthia." Professor Oak said cheerfully. "Hi I am Cynthia champion of Sinnoh." Cynthia introduced herself. All the boys drolled of how sexy Cynthia is. Which Ash just rolled his eyes and put his earbuds on and they are on full blast.
" Ok Cynthia you may choose a person to battle." Professor Oak informed her. " I like to battle the one in black." Cynthia said while pointing to Ash. " Fine." Was the only thing Ash said.
" This is a battle against Ash and Cynthia. This is a 3 on 3 battle. Let the battle begin. "Go Milotic." Cynthia said.
" Battle dance Heracross." Ash said while throwing a great ball. " Milotic use ice beam." Milotic did exactaly what Cynthia said and landed a clean hit on Heracross which looked unfazed and everyone was surprised that Heracross isn't fainted." Bullet seed." Ash commaded. Heracross did what it was told and knocked out Milotic. " Milotic is unable to battle Heracross wins." The referee said. " Return. Go Lucario!" Cynthia said while throwing a pokeball. " Raichu ." Ash said calmly. " Use bone rush full power!!" Cynthia yelled. Ash then rembered the time he battled Korrina and he smirked. " Use Iron tail and then thurderbolt." Ash commaded. Which poor Lucario fainted. " Lucario is unable to battle. Raichu is the winner." The referee said. " Garchomp!!!" Cynthia yelled while throwing her ace's pokeball. " Greninja lets show the power the of the Kanto champion!!!" Ash yelled while throwing a pokeball." Greninja lets get stronger and stronger!!!" Ash and Greninja started to fuse and there on the battle was Ash- Greninja.
" Garchomp uae thurder fang." Cynthia commaded. " Dodge and finish this up with a the water shurrikan we used against Alain!!!!" Ash shouted as he and Greninja summoned a Orange water shurrikin. Which Garchomp fainted." Garchomp is unable to battle. Greninja is the winner. Which means Ash is the winner!!" The referee shouted as there was a lot cheers from the crowd. Ash and Greninja defused and Ash retured him and walked to Cynthia who just retured her Garchomp. " Good battle new girl." Ash calmly said as he sticked his hand out which Cynthia shook his hand. "Yeah thanks for the battle." Cynthia said with a little blush on her face. " Well see you later Cyn." Ash said, but the last word was a bit more suducing. As both trainers left Cynthia was blushing at her nickname Ash came up with.
A/N Thanks for reading my first chapter of No fucks givin.
Please commet of how I should fix the book. So thank you again and Peace☺

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