Chapter Six

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     Nightpaw shook his head to clear away the jumbled thoughts. No way could he ever set foot in a twoleg nest! Not when every cat in the forest knew it was forbidden.

     Sedgestorm would be worrying about her apprentice by now. Nightpaw could almost see her face scrunched up in frustration. It wasn't his fault that the camp was too hectic. He decided he would hunt to make up for his absence. Greenleaf was coming to a close, and soon the weather would be colder and prey even scarcer. 

     The black tom hurried away from the eerily silent twoleg nest and back towards the river. Before long, Nightpaw spotted a mouse scrabbling in the sand. He crouched, careful to keep his weight on his haunches, and then sprang up. He landed hard on top of the large animal and killed it with a swift bite to the neck. Satisfied, he buried it until he could return. 

     Normally, only SandClan ate fish from the river, but Nightpaw was feeling confident and wanted to try his paw at it. After all, the river didn't belong to them. Sedgestorm would be proud if he returned with a fish. He'd seen some cats fish before, but never done it himself. Nightpaw crouched at the river's edge, watching the waves suck in and out rhythmically. A flash of silver alerted the young apprentice to the presence of a fish. He struck the water with a paw and shivered as the cold leeched into his fur. The fish was startled and hurriedly swam upstream. Disgruntled, Nightpaw sat back and watched the river lazily for a few moments before heading back for his mouse.

     Suddenly, a sound from behind him made him jump. He was bowled over and his body crashed to the ground, sand covering his muzzle. He let out a stifled yowl and pushed up on his hind legs to buck his attacker. Then the scent registered in his mind, Cloudfeather! 

     The weight disappeared and Nightpaw sat up, licking his chest fur furiously.

     "Hey! You're on FireClan territory!" He growled.

     Cloudfeather paid no mind. "I just came to say hi to you..." She made a face at him, ears back playfully. 

     Nightpaw didn't know how to respond. Did she have no concern for the warrior code? Just then, another scent hit his nose. FireClan patrol! He identified Ryebrook, Blazetalon and his littermate, Goldenpaw.

     "Quick! Go now!" He practically shoved the pretty she-cat all the way back into her own territory before turning to see the patrol exit the woods. He called a greeting to them and Goldenpaw rushed forward.

     "I knew you'd be here! I followed your scent all the way from camp," She muzzled his cheek gently. "Why aren't you in camp?"

     Nightpaw hesitated before remembering he had buried a mouse near the old twoleg nest. "I was out hunting, I figured the clan could use some prey..."

    Ryebrook sniffed. "You're not worng, but next time tell Sedgestorm where you're going before she sends a patrol after you." He looked very grumpy, Nightpaw assumed he had been disturbed from his sleep.

     Nightpaw retrieved his mouse from where it was buried and trudged home with his littermate. Sedgestorm was relieved to have him back, and licked at his ears furiously. He padded onward, suddenly feeling the exhaustion in his limbs. The warmth of his nest lured him into sleep and he was quickly transported to the world of dreams.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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