Falling Falling... Splat!

204 7 2

Rating T
Humour - Hurt/Comfort - Innuendo

What happens when Jane is assigned to Maura for a week to be her Protégée, after a challenge between the pair makes them wonder whether Jane could handle that level of responsibility.


"It just.... it just EVERYTHING feels like it's falling apart..." grumbling Jane face planted the counter of Maura's immaculately furnished home, as her science counterpart stuck her head into the fridge swiping up an open half bottle of red wine.

Head popping up... "Seriously... your acting like this is the end of the world, you got a promotion Jane... isn't that something you should be proud of?"

Grabbing a pair of tall crystal glasses, Maura shimmied to the opposite side of the counter plopping them down and pouring a substantial amount of alcohol for them both.

At the sound of liquid encouragement the brunette's head snapped up as she swiped the glass from underneath her friends nose downing it in one "Heyy! That one was miine!!"

Glaring Rizzoli rolled her eyes placing her head back down onto the marbled surface mumbling under her breath.

Delicately lifting a cool glass to her lips Maura took a sip, clinking it down sighing... "Are you going to tell me why it is your so grumpy about this or am I going to have to wait until your inebriated enough that it lowers your inhibition levels and motor functionality to the point you'll just loop me in yourself anyways, later on tonight."

Huffing "Urrrgh! I Just I just like my job the way it is okay?!... why am I the one that has to be stuck behind a desk...?"

Glancing up "If I do that I may aswell be.. you"

The LOOK of offence on Maura's face was enough to make Jane question "WHAAAT?" Letting out a feeble "I could do what you doo... I think..."

Face scrunching letting out a breathy half chuckle "Oh really?"

Taking it as a challenge, cocky "I mean yea... how hard could it be?!"

Eyes sparkling in amusement "If you think it's that easy... why don't we give it a test run... be my protégé for the week?... I mean surely Korsak will reassign you, temporarily... at least. You could just say it's work experience... to figure out whether you really want this job with more responsibilities."

Taking in Mauras smug grin that lingered until she'd popped a strawberry into her mouth... Not one to back down from a fight but hating herself already... Jane replied "Fine... but you don't get to shout at me."

Grinning looking over to Bass who'd crawled past them in the midst of their conversation, leaning over passing the shelled creature a strawberry too "Looks like we've got a newbie to teach science too.. huh buddie."

Sassing "Y'know the turtle is never going to answer back right?"

Irked "Tortoise!"

Day 1:

Standing should to shoulder white lab coats on, looming over a slab containing their latest victim "Since when did death by Giant Squid become our responsibility? I mean, sure he's no Steve Irwin but... still why is it under investigation? It kinda seems like a slam dunk to me... diving, drowning... weird gooey creature strapped to his torso... could only mean idiocy."

Snapping blue gloves on- moving around until she'd picked up another utensil Maura replied "It's under investigation because this guy wasn't found anywhere near a body of water, in fact he was found safe and sound inside of his families home" gesturing wildly "...and this Colossal Squid isn't even from the USA.. he's usually found off the coast of Antarctica."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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