Part 6

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Wofts of musky, earthy evergreen and cinnamon floated in the air as I lay on an oversized, fluffy king-sized bed. The silky gray comforter danced delicately between my legs as I lay on my side, feeling a heavy hand fall over my waist. I could feel a steady heartbeat against my back as I heard soft, deep breathing fanning against my neck. I rolled toward the heavy chest, my arms instinctively curling around myself. I felt at peace, comfortable. I felt safe. I burrowed my face into the stranger's neck. Then, the melody started. The swirl of the melodic contour danced, yet again, kissing my heartbeat rhythmically, seducing my eardrums. I found myself being pulled by an unseen force, moving towards the melody as my feet traced the marble, again. This time, I could feel the soft caress of my nightgown, dancing to my bare feet like smoky silver. A cool breeze slipped over the sweat trickling down my back, the melody growing louder as I walked. I could feel my breath hitching, scratching, desperately seeking release but it held slowly as an exasperated sigh echoed behind me.

            "Come back to me." I turned behind me to see Lex, his hands clutching the wooden doorframe of the corridor, his pajama pants hanging low on his waist.

            "Can't you hear it?" I call, turning back to the hall.

            "Hear what, Sarah? I can only hear your footsteps." I looked down to my feet, slowly slipping down the corridor. Ignoring Lex's calls, I walked back into the familiar ballroom, the same piano welcoming me with fervent longing. Again, I sat to place my fingers on the ivory keys. My fingertips kissed the delicate gloss of the white finish before I curled my hands and reached to play, my hands tickling the melody and following the melodic contour of the song before.

            "You play beautifully." A raspy voice curled over my eardrums, fracturing my concentration and causing my head to snap back to the doorframe.

            "Thank you." I spewed, my voice leaking like lava, complete and utter curiosity filled my mind.

            "Just like your mother." His voice was scratchy and rough, erupting anger with every syllable. My hands froze, the sudden realization of who he was crept over my conscience, fear lurching over me. 

            "James?" I turned, his face puzzled.

            "Yes, darling. Come, it's time for you to wake. I'll see you soon enough." His hand reached towards me with subtle sweetness. My eyes snapped to him, studying his face. It wasn't like I remembered, though, there was a still a lingering look of compassion, his eyes were darker, slightly sinister and his cheeks were flush with exhaustion.

            "Are you going to kill me?" I asked, his expression contorting to heartache and shame.

            "Not me. Sarah, no more questions, you must wake."  His hand reached to me as he pressed his palm to my cheek, caressing me gently. His palm was warm and soft as he pulled me into his chest, cradling me to him. His hand moved to the nape of my neck, fisting a handful of my blonde hair as he brought his face close enough to feel the warmth of his breath. His lips hovered over mine just before he sighed and pulled away, moving with me to the balcony, pushing with a hard shove, startling me awake.

            "James!" My voice shrieked from the top of my lungs as Lex's startled hand jumped to my waist. Instinctively pulling me to his chest, his strong arms crushed around me with a sigh.

            "You were dreaming, again." A pang of jealousy crawled through his expression as his brows furrowed. "I see he's come back to you, too." His chin rested softly on my head.

            "How?" My puzzled stare peeked over his beard.

            "He came for your mother, first. He's been trying to warn her- to warn you. James has your gift, as well. Just like you and your mother, he can see the future, he can communicate in dreams, manipulate them to his will. You'll learn to do it, too, like your mother."

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