Jacob and Lara going to belles wedding

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Jacob stood outside his dads house holding Lara to him. She smiled. His dad Billy stared at the couple. He thought they were so cute together.

She herself was the magical 11th tail wolf fox and she herself was the queen of all them but she would always protect them.

Jacob saw a letter and grew angry he didn't love belle anymore but cared about her. Lara turned too but what she saw was Jacobs wolf turn to hers.

She barked running over to him and he looked at her shyness and put his tail in between his legs. She then licked his ear and he jumped on her rubbing his face into her neck and she licked his ear.

Mean while

Belle had noticed Jacob at the wedding. Where could he be but Edward said I go look for him.

Edward walked to the woods to see them two barking at each other but Lara growled seeing Edward protecting Jacob.

Jacob belle wonders why you aren't coming to the wedding and Jacob turns to Lara but growls at Edward and Edward turns to Lara.

You must be Jacobs imprinted. She nods then walks back to Jacob wolf form rubbing her face into his neck.

Edward smiles then runs back.

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