Ice - Two.

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My mouth is frozen so I can't even speak

What a disappointment, I had it perfectly

What I was going to bring up suddenly

Stood like a stone as you stood quietly

You're making it hard for me

All I can do is freeze

Ice - Two.

Brie's P.O.V

I had been hanging out with Roman for over a week now and already we've gotten really close, I had been finding out new things and learning the big man does have a heart. What I love about him is how open he can be and trusts me with things.

He encourages me to watch his matches and I do, I like to sit alone and watch matches because I want to watch every offence and move that goes on between the ropes. Almost study the two people in the ring. Nikki tries to watch with me but I kind of beat around the bush and tell her to find AJ or Tamina.

"Your so beautiful" Roman said softly, I traced a finger across his tattoo on his right arm. I could feel my cheeks turn red. A smile grew and I looked down with a flushed face and pink cheeks "Thanks" I said. I loved his tattoos especially tracing my finger down the lines, I think it's gotten into a habit.

"Hey love birds" Dean walked over holding Emma's hand "We're going on a date tonight and we're wondering if maybe you two" Emma pointed at Roman and I weirdly "Would wanna join?" Emma asked. Me and Roman looked at eachother immediately knowing what's up.

"We know what your trying to do" I knew Emma couldn't lie to me and I wanted to find out who was putting her up to this "Come with me" I grabbed Emma's hand dragging her away "Be right back Deany" she waved to Dean who blew a kiss to Emma who blew one back as we dissappeared around the corner.

" Look Emma I think I know what's going on and If I guess it before you tell me I get to poke you in the ribs which I know you hate but it makes you laugh" I threatened with a devious smirk.

"I don't know what your talking about" Emma curled her lips putting her hands behind her back. "Emma you curl your lips when your lying" I poked Emma in the ribs and she screamed out with laughter.

"Are you gonna tell me or do I have to continue" I asked Emma "You don't scare me with your ridiculous rib poking" she said sheepishly holding her ribs. I did a head lock take down and started to attack Emma's ribs.

Emma squirmed laughing really loud making everyone who was in the stage area stare at us.

"MERCY! MERCY! Nikki made me do it!" Emma finally admitted, I stood up helping Emma up along with me "Nikki made you do what?" I asked narrowing my eyes to Emma I pointed my finger threatening her to spill "Nikki and AJ want you to date Roman so you won't feel bad about not having a date to Summer's halloween party" Emma yelled sprinting off.

Roman's P.O.V

"Brie is hot why don't you just date her?" Dean asked me adjusting his white tape on his hands "I'm not over Lucy, you know that Bro. I still love her" Lucy was my ex girlfriend whom I proposed to but.. she told me she was cheating which left me devasted. 

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