First Night

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I don't make a move but she comes up to me. She whispers, "meet me in the showers at ten tonight."
"Girls or boys?" I ask.
She walks away and I walk to boy's dorm. The guys are all getting ready to sleep. I climb into bed and no one notices. Except Javyn. He looks at me and I smirk back. He grins and I mouth, "girls."
He nods and mouths back, "boys."
The others fall asleep quickly. At ten I stand, stretch out my limbs, and then run my hands through my hair. I walk quietly downstairs to the commons. I look around the wall and see no one. I cross the room to the girls showers. Rachel is there showering. I look into the showers and realize I can't do it. I turn away and sit on the couch.
I am almost about to fall asleep when I hear, "Are you okay?"
Someone sits down next to me. I turn to see Rachel. She is wearing pajamas and her hair is damp still. I say, "Yeah. No. Maybe. I don't know."
She says, "I know this is probably weird for you leaving your friends to come here."
"It's not that, what it's that I never wanted to come here. My dad forced me to. He thinks he can change who I am but honestly I like who I am and I don't want to change," I say.
"I like you for who you are to. People can't accept us for us and it drives me crazy. Why do we put stereotypes on each other?" she says.
I whisper, "I like you a lot, Rachel."
"I like you too," she whispers.
Her fingers interlock with mine carefully. I stare at her and she looks back. I whisper, "so is this us being a couple."
She grins and nods. Her head rests on my shoulder.

I wake up to someone saying, "get some."
I open my eyes and see Rachel still against me. I don't move, i don't want to wake Rachel. The person comes around and I see Joseph. I say, "morning."
"Honestly I didn't think she would go for your kind," he says.
"Fuck that shit," I say and get a nice elbow to the ribs. Rachel sits up glaring at me. I grin back. She shakes her head and stands. Her arms over her head allow me to see her midriff. I see a scar that runs up under the rest of her shirt.
I stand and turn into the tiny kitchen that we have and grab a coffee. I put a ton of creamer in it. I take a sip perfect. I walk back to the couch and sit down. Rachel sits next to me and takes my coffee out if my hands. She takes a sip and then another. I say, "yeah, you go ahead drink all of my coffee, you little piece of shit."
I stand and make another and sit back down. I look at Joseph and ask, "Hey when can we have visitors?"
"Tomorrow is the official say, but they can stop in for short visits on any day," he says.
I pull out my Phonestick and type into the group chat with Hunter, Allison and I, you guys can come visit me tomorrow all day.
Hunter replies first, great see you.
Allison comes in five minutes later, I'll be there.
I sit back and Rachel leans into me and we watch the images on the screen flicker, not really paying attention.
"Yee ha!" a voice shouts and Javyn leaps over the back of the couch into the seat next to me. He grabs my almost full coffee and starts gulping it down. Rachel laughs. I look at her and she smiles. Her hands comes up and ruffle my hair. I whisper, "Your hair is shit too."
She stands and heads to her dorms. I follow but turn up toward ours. I pull on my ripped skinny black jeans and my ripped black shirt. I just start to brush my hair when Javyn comes up and says, "So you like Rachel."
"I don't give a damn," I say.
"You give so many damns they are visible from space," he says grinning.
"Fuck yourself."
"I'll hold myself back," he says.
"So did you get laid or do I get to fuck someone?" I ask.
"You were right about them being animals," he says.
"I know, but don't avoid the question."
"Fine. It was Mira. Just curious who did you give your virginity to?" he asks looking at me.
I run the brush through my hair and then put it up how I like it. Grabbing the hair spray I answer the question, "Allison, one of my best friends. You get to meet her tomorrow."
"And you are still friends?" he asks sounding beyond shocked.
"Yeah we both aware that we were fooling around," I say "and apparently she fell in love after."
"Oh. Damn that is wow," he says as we head downstairs, "So was it fun?'
"Yeah. She said I was amazing at sex and making people want it. I took that to heart as you can see," I say and gesture to my very skin revealing outfit.
He grins. I ask, "Anyway how was your first time?"
"Great but..."
"Sloppy right?"
He laughs and nods, "Yeah. Yeah definitely."
"Surprised you could find the-" I start.
He shoves me and I stumble laughing.

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