B-52 x Agent!Brownie (Part 1)

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For tryingtodiee

"Agent Brownie." A lithe man with mocha skin and dark brown hair stepped forward. "We have assigned you a new target. This man is Baron B-52. We have been tipped off that he has gained his enormous wealth by bypassing prohibition laws by smuggling in alcohol in certain countries. You are to get yourself employed by him, as he is currently looking for a new butler. Wait for an appropriate time, and take him out." Brownie bowed before exiting the boss's office.

"Big brother! Someone is calling for you! They say they saw your ad for the opened butler position, and that they would like to have an interview!" B-57, a young girl with pale skin and light red hair knocked on Baron B-52's office. The large office doors swung open to reveal a man of about 5'9" (175 cm) with platinum blonde hair and a stern look.

"Did his voice sound like he was qualified?" The younger girl smiled up at her older brother.

"Yes! His tone was very polite and his speech was impeccable. I would say he sounded qualified."

"Then please forward the call." B-57 pressed a button on the cell phone she was carrying and the office phone behind B-52 began to ring. B-57 closed the door and returned to the common area where she was playing with the head maid, Milk. B-52 picked up the phone and was greeted by a very sophisticated and smooth voice.

"Hello? Is this the baron B-52?"

"Yes, B-52 speaking."

"Oh wonderful. I saw you were in need of a new butler. Might I ask if this is a personal attendant or a general position?"

"This position would indeed be my personal butler."

"Wonderful. This might make me sound worse, but I have always done better when I can tune myself personally to my master."

"Well then, I think you might be the perfect man for the job. I would love to have an interview and trial day to test you. Would this Wednesday work?"

"Yes, that would be perfect! I am going to assume I shall meet you at your manor?"

"Yes, I will send a carriage to pick you up. Where would the best place to send it be?"

"Ah, then please send it to..."

Brownie hung up his disposable cell phone and tossed it in the trash next to his desk. 'Wednesday... Only two days to prepare my materials and memorise the manor's layout. I would have liked longer, but the sooner I get this job over with, the sooner I can make preparations to leave the organisation...'

~*2 Days Later*~

The mocha coloured man walked up the large stone stairs to the front entrance. The humongous double doors opened as he approached, revealing a steampunk-ish man standing with a clockwork cane.

"Welcome to my manor, please, let me show you around to the facilities you will be using today, and the main rooms you will be visiting." B-52 turned around and began to walk away. Brownie quickly followed him, making sure to stay at least 3 paces behind him. B-52 showed Brownie to the kitchen, storage room, drawing room, B-52's office and bedroom, the nearby restrooms and the stable.

"Would you care to go over it again? I don't mind." Brownie shook his head and gave B-52 a polite smile.

"No I believe I got it." Little did B-52 know, but Brownie knew everything he was shown, and more, but it would be foolish to let him know that. B-52 clapped his hands together, without letting go of his cane somehow.

"Then your test begins now. As my personal butler you shall follow me around, attend to my needs and do anything that I ask of you. Of course, if something makes you totally uncomfortable, I do not mind you declining." Thus Brownie's test began. Since Brownie had been taught to be very aware of everything around him, he often knew what B-52 wanted before he even said it. This made quite the impression on B-52. That and Brownie's tea was simply to die for.

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