B-52 x Agent!Brownie (Part 2)

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For tryingtodiee

The day of the party quickly came upon the B-52 manor. Brownie's relationship with B-52 still had not been fixed, most likely due to Brownie attempting to distance himself from his master. B-52 thought this was because he felt uncomfortable after his confession the other day, and so B-52 kept himself cold and calm to try and make Brownie feel slightly more comfortable around him. But it had the opposite effect on Brownie. The mocha coloured man thought the coldness he had been receiving from his master was because he basically rejected him, and now he thought B-52 wanted nothing to do with him. Brownie began drowning himself in his work to try and bury his guilt. The young man had only gotten close to 4 hours of sleep in the past couple of days; and he had been working non-stop from early morning until late into the night. Brownie was basically running on fumes at this point.

"Gather 'round!" B-52 called from the top of the banister. All servants gathered at the bottom of the stairs below him, including Brownie. "As you all know the party I am hosting is today. Many influential and important figures in the world will be gathering, including my uncle, Marquis Marnier. I expect nothing but the best from you all! Dismissed." All of the servants bowed in response before going off to their individual duties.

"Brownie, I want for you to join me in my office for a moment." The mocha man gulped and followed his master up to the office. Every time he had to go to this room, it felt as if he was walking himself to the guillotine. He was afraid that B-52 would fire him, and he would never be able to see his beloved master ever again. Or worse, B-52 would discover his original intentions and order him to be restrained. Either way, he would die at the hands of the agency. 'Ah... maybe I can do that...' A thought suddenly occurred to Brownie, and he began formulating a plan.

"Please have a seat." B-52 gestured to the red velvet chair that sat in front of his desk. 'Oh god, he's really going to fire me isn't he...!' Brownie was tensed up to the point that his muscle's began to ache. "No need to have that look on your face. I'm not going to do anything. I just wanted to make an apology to you." Brownie's eyes widen in surprise.

"To me? But shouldn't it be the other way around?" The steampunk man was surprised at that.

"Was it not I who made you uncomfortable because of my out-of-the-blue confession?" Brownie quickly shook his head.

"I thought you wanted nothing to do with me anymore since I didn't accept your confession then. You've been so cold lately so-" B-52 cut him off.

"Oh my apologies, I thought you would be uncomfortable if I treated you the same as before, so I tried to keep my cool around you." They both sat in silence for a moment, staring into each other's soul.

"So... it was just a misunderstanding on both our parts?" B-52 chuckled, and Brownie's heart warmed at the ethereal sound.

"Yes, I supposed it was. Now, may I ask you, my dear butler, would you like to continue working for me?" Brownie never nodded his head so fast in his life. In that moment, it did not matter whether he had been contracted to kill this wonderful man; he had fallen in love. But he also knew it could never be serious between them.

"While I love working for you, I'm sorry, but give me time to think about my response to you." A beautiful smile graced B-52's lips.

"Of course, my dear Brownie. I will now let you leave to prepare for the party tonight. I'm sure you have done a wonderful job preparing everything, and I am greatly looking forward to it." Brownie stood up and bowed to his master before exiting the room. Brownie got straight to work, making sure everything lived up to B-52's expectations.


The sound of plates and glasses clinking and voices talking had filled up the dining room in the B-52 manor. A loud clank sounded above all the others and the room quickly filled with silence. A young, steampunk-looking man was standing on an elevated platform in the dining room. He held himself with dignity, a straight but warm expression on his face. His blue eye seemed to glow from inside his black sclera, and his mouth opened slowly to speak.

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