1. Introduction - Amelia

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It’s the height of the crescendo, when the strings of every instrument, the vocal cords of every performer, and the muscles of every audience member are pulled taut in anticipation, the entire room leaning forward as if a mere inch or so will bring them closer to the heart of it.

You always thought, like many others, that the climax was the most riveting piece of any composition. If all else has failed, it is the climax that will drag you in and manage to draw your eyes from your cell phone’s screen.

If only that were the beginning.

If only that crescendo that baited them as effortlessly as the crack! of a firework on a motionless night could be moved, cut and pasted to the introduction, replacing the drum roll that would usually hum a warning for the ominous future awaiting you.

Sometimes, beginnings are boring, aren’t they? It’s so easy to fall asleep and tune out, uninvested in the plot or its characters or the tragedy that will strike them. So easy to disconnect, to lose interest, to forget the point of the production in the midst of awkward exposition and unneeded filler.

To ignore the new acquaintance and push her to the side.

Because nobody wants a quiet thrum and a glimpse of what could be, and nobody wants to waste countless hours breaking past a mask to give a damn about what they find underneath.

So why not push it all to the forefront? Throw away every secret and spoiler to watch their eyes widen with awe?

If only it were that easy.

“Hey,” you murmur, raising a tentative hand to wave, “I’m Amelia.”

“Nice to meet you,” she replies, smile polite.

Her eyes slide away.

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