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chapter one ;
an encounter


jimin almost snarled at the young woman approaching him, her stretched out slim hand already passing the line of his comfort zone. to his surprise the lady listened, her hand coming to a halt and her long shiny earrings dangled in the air at the sudden stop. he moved his burning eyes from them to the matching necklace resting in between her collarbones, and then glancing shortly at the silver wristwatch on her retreating hand. this woman was a goddamn jackpot, yet jimin couldn't do a single thing to claim it. he was not in a condition to do so. something was broken, he could feel it, but was too scared to further inspect what bone. because it would hurt, and he hated unnecessary pain.

so if he couldn't rob her, her presence was unneeded. he moved his eyes from all the shiny items she was possessing with slight reluctance, to stare up straight into her eyes. he hoped to scare her off with a threatening glare, but froze when he was met with an ice cold stare in return. he couldn't stop looking into the woman's beautiful brown eyes, freezing under her inspecting and almost degrading gaze.  his only good eye, — the other one had swollen close, unwillingly avoided it, making him feel like a child that did a bad thing.
noticing that his tactic was failing, he resulted in a try to make a run for it. he pushed with his legs to move backwards, making the mistake of assuming that the broken bone was located in one of his arms. an unimaginably sharp pain flashing in his left ankle proved otherwise. he let out a pathetic scream, which he quickly muffled by biting into his own shoulder. he squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the pain to dull down. after a moment of silent agony, he dropped his heavy head to rest on the bitten shoulder with a quiet hiss. he panted for a while, eyes directed at the blurry image of his ankle in horror. his eyes were filling with tears against his willpower. pull yourself together. you've been through worse than this.

"it hurts, doesn't it," the woman spoke for the first time since appearing, kneeling down on the ground whilst still staying in the same spot. it was more of a statement than a question, and jimin hated the hidden smug look her face held under her calm complexion. how the fuck would you know? wanted to escape his lips but he held it in. instead he gave no answer, just rolled his now throbbing head from one shoulder to the other. so it was my leg. fuck, of course it had to be my leg. gun's going to so fucking kill me and i can't do anything about it. i'm stuck here, just waiting for him to find me and snap me in half or sink a bullet into my skull. he lifted his head up and let out a quiet chuckle at his pitiful situation. had he not changed at all from the brat he used to be? his eyes were still watering and his ankle was still burning. he was still this stupid. still this helpless. guess he hadn't.

"i can help you," the woman stated yet again, voice annoyingly genuine and comforting. she emitted a motherly feel and jimin despised it. "-if you would just let me." he wouldn't. even if she truly did want to help him he couldn't let her. she could be from the police or something else similar. he had heard that they had gotten more bold lately, approaching recruited children to get to their bosses'. but then again, did jimin have to care anymore? did he have anything left to lose? he was out. he couldn't make any money until his leg would heal. and gun would not like dead weight. no, he shouldn't even show his face to him. he should just disappear. for his own safety.

"well?" the woman tilted her head slightly, her thick, black hair falling from behind her ear rather elegantly. jimin raised and eyebrow. this woman was definitely of high class. her clothes looked silky, her hair was well maintained and her face was slightly touched up with make up. a nice sweet scent was also coming from her direction. all this made her even more suspicious. why would a rich lady like her pick up trash from the side of the road? what was she even doing in the slums? and how had she not been attacked or robbed yet? did she have someone with her? she had to have someone near by, some sort of bodyguard maybe? there's no way she would survive on her own in a place like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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