Guess whos back

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A year later
"Im the vessel Dean i can stop the apocalypse" i tell Dean
"How Sam? Letting the devil in?" He yelled at me
"Its the only way i let him in ill open a portal and push him out" I say
"Shes right Dean" bobby says to dean who looks at cas
"There is no other way Dean" Cas says
Dean comes and hugs me
"What am I supposed to do?" He asked
"Hunt things save people the family business" i say we out side of baby talking. "Your a real hero Sam" Bobby tells me "thanks bobby love you i say hugging him i walk over to dean "no deals Dean when im gone im gone ok" i say "ok Sammie I love you" he says crying "I love you too" i say I nod at Cas "im sorry Sam" cas says
"Thanks Cas" i smile we walk into a building to meet my doom "so Sam have you considered my offer?" He ask i know the plan "yes" i say before i chicken out no going back the devil smirks and leave his old body for mine and everything is black. "Sam?" I hear a broken Dean i wake up and hes bloody "Dean?" I ask i look around and cas is gone and Bobby's dead. "Im sorry" i say to dean as mike in Adams body comes "Sam let my brother out its time" he says i open the hole to hell i take one last look at Dean as he stares at me a tears falls from my eye as i push Adam and me into hell. 

"Its not gonna be easy to find Sam and Dean" I tell Hook and Regina there was another curse and now we up against the wicked which.
"We have to try" Regina says
"I spent a century trying to kill Rumpelstiltskin im gonna find my love" hook says
I load up the computer and type in Sam winchester nothing so I try Dean Winchester and find an address
"I found Dean" i tell them n
"Lets go lov" hook says to me

Unknown pov
I watch as Dean eats dinner with some blond chick. I smile good for him. I turn and walk down the street the old me. And than i start to think the old me would have ran to him, but now its like hes a stranger. I really dont care enough though so what ever.
Emmas pov

"A witch thats what you dealing with?" He ask i nod
"Ok im gonna hit the jon than we head to uh-"
"Storybrooke" i supply
"Right" he walks away and i put the memory potion in his drink.
"Aright lets go" he says drinking the drink he stares off into space for bit and then looks at me
"Emma?" He ask
"Hey Dean" i say
"How did you?" He ask
"There was another curse i need you and Sam i couldnt find her" i tell him as Hook comes out
Dean sits down with a defeated look
"That's because Sams dead" he says
"Dead? The bloody hell you do you mean?!" Hook yells
"I mean shes dead she sacrificed herself and saved us all she died a hero" Dean yelled back
I watched as hook glared and the turned around so Dean wouldn't see his  tears. When everything goes black.

Sams pov
I jump out and cut the head off the vampires head off  who was attacking Dean.
"Sam?" He asked me staring
"Hey Dean who are they?" I ask looking at the man with black hair and the women with blond hair.
"This is Killian and Emma" he says "how are you here when?" He asked
"A year i dont know how i got here i just popped up" i said
"You been out fir a year! Why didn't you contact me?" He asked upset
"I was giving you what you wanted a chance at a normal life" i told him
"What i wanted was my sister" he syas upset
"Oh well im here now" i say as he hugs me
"Here" he says handing me a liquid
"Whats this?"i ask
"It was for someone else but its for you now" he says to me
Ok i drink it and i see flashes of the women with black from my dreams Regina my mom.
The man Hook, Emma, Henry ,Neal, Snow and David.
"Woa" I said
"Yeah i know" Dean says as Killian and Emma wake up.
"Sam?" Emma ask as Hook gets up and hugs me.
"Hey Emma Killian" i smile
"Your alive?" Killian asked
"Yes" i nod as he hugs me tight
"Dean" Cas calls popping out of no where
"Cas" Dean said cas looks at me
"Hey Cas" i smile not sure whats wrong with me
"we need to talk" Cas say
"Who the bloody hells this?" Hook ask
"This is Castiel hes an angel Cas this is." I start
"I know who they are Sam" Cas says looking at me sorrowful
"Whats wrong Cas?" I asked confused
"Im sorry Sam when i pulled you out something went wrong" he says
"Wait you pulled her out thanks" Dean says
"What?" Emma asked "i was in the pit of hell with The devil" I explained they looked surprised and worried.
"Since you were in the cage Sam something went completely wrong" Cas continues
"What do you mean something went wrong?" Dean asked
"Sam your soul got stuck its still down there with Lucifer" cas says thats what wrong
"So im soulless?" I ask shocked
"Yes" Cas said the old me would have hugged him and told him it wasnt his fault now i dont care.
"You mean to tell me that my baby sister is Soulless!" Dean yelled
"Bloody hell are we supposed to fix this?" Hook shouted just as mad as Dean
"Find away into Hell i guess" i shrugged and Emma gave me this look
"Dont give me that look im soulless" i tell her
"Thats not good Sam" she says to me
"I know we will get it back" i say

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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