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"OCEANE?!" I woke up startled to a knock at the door. I must've fallen asleep instead of watching the door. To be fair I was incredibly tired.

"Drew?" I said rubbing my eyes while walking to the door.  

"No Santa Claus!"  He said sarcastically. 

"Jeez, you're a heavy sleeper." He said walking into my apartment. "I was tired... I was watching to door till late last night." I slyly kicked the gun under the couch.  "God I'm hungry. Want to get food before we go and see Price?" He said sitting on my Kitchen island. "Drew, your always hungry," I said walking into my room. "But I mean who misses breakfast? Most important meal of the day!" He called out to me. "Did you find anything out about the rest of Danny's gang?" I said poking my head around the door frame. He was reading the letters from Flynn up on my notice board. "Yeah actually. I brought some papers over. There in the car." He replied. 

"Alright." I said adjusting my white crop top. I wasn't planning on wearing anything special today. Just that, my denim jeans and black padded bomber jacket. Drew turned around as I entered. I flicked my hair out of my jacket and said "Heard from Mia by any chance?" I asked him as I picked up my keys. 

"Yep. Just last night actually." He told me while I was locking the door. 

"She had a protection team put on her from cops out of town but only told them she felt unsafe. She didn't give anything away." I put my hands in my pockets as we continued down the stairwell. "Is she coming back to town?" I asked.

"She doesn't know." He said starting up the car. I nodded and before I knew it, we were heading down the road to the coffee house.

Saving Emma: Men In Black Book 4Where stories live. Discover now