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Anna was leaning against the car when she spotted Christina. She was talking animatedly with two girls she guessed were her sisters. After narrowing her eyes to see them clearly, Anna’s jaw nearly dropped.

While Christina wore red, one of her sisters wore blue, and the other green. Even their blonde hair was streaked with the respective colors. They weren’t identical, but they had more features in common than they had with Christina. They were both shorter than her, for instance, and both blonde. Though she knew Christina was the youngest, the three of them could pass for unidentical triplets.

From the distance, Christina found Anna and waved excitedly at her, a grin flashing on her face. Her sisters imitated the gesture, and Anna couldn’t help but chuckle and wave back. Maybe they were more alike in different ways.

They practically ran over to join her. Anna had asked her parents to stay in the car, but she had a feeling they would be coming out to see what was all the excitement about. Christina surprised Anna with a hug that squeezed the air out of her. Amused, she took it with good humor and gladly hugged the strange girl back.

“Guys, this is Anna,” she introduced when she pulled back. “Anna, these are my sisters, Sophie and Emily.”

Sophie was the blue girl and Emily the green one. Up close, Anna could see their eyes were also of the color they were wearing. Christina’s were a beautiful hazel color.

“Chris has been talking nonstop about you since morning,” Sophie gushed with a huge smile. “We got excited just by hearing her ramble. Are you really interested in living with us?”

“Soph, give the girl some space to get to say hi,” Emily chastised playfully. “Sorry about them; it’s hard to get them down about anything.”

Anna had to admit she was enjoying herself. They were really fun. She giggled. “Don’t worry about it; I actually like happy personalities.”

That was the moment Anna’s parents came out of the car. Out of habit, Anna inspected the sisters' reaction to see if they recognized her parents. There were no indications that they knew who they were, and she silently sighed in relief. The reaction that actually was out of the ordinary was her parents'. Her father stood next to her, her mother on the other side of the car, and both of them stared in shock at the girls. Anna knew it was about their colorfulness. She hoped they wouldn’t say something to embarrass her –that would be a first.

“My God,” Richard let out. “Marianne, have you ever seen a rainbow up close?”

Like that.

Anna mentally groaned. The sisters all laughed out loud.

Marianne smiled. “I love rainbows. They’re so beautiful.”

“This one is missing a few colors, though,” Richard went on with their joke. “Anna could pass for yellow; we’d just need indigo and orange to complete it.”

Anna was about to complain when she realized what was truly going on; her parents were joking. Together. And there was actually someone who was laughing. All during the day, they hadn’t been so pleasant with each other while they were driving through town, but now that the sisters have shown up with their bubbly personalities, her parents were looking like a normal couple. She had to smile at the lightness of their tones, feeling glad.

“Dad, mom, this is Christina, Sophie and Emily,” she introduced. “We’re going to their house to see if I can live with them.” They smiled at each other. Anna turned to the girls. “Do you have a ride? Want to come with us?”

“Actually, no, we were going to take the bus,” Sophie admitted. “So a ride would be great. Thank you.”

The four of them squeezed inside. Anna’s unease inside the car increased, turning a little claustrophobic, but she didn’t complain. She was glad the girls were with her.

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