On the ship!

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John walked on stage.

Noli: Did you do it?

John: No!

Noli: what do you mean no?

John: I can't kill him!

Noli: I knew it! You have a soft spot for him! Don't you?

John: No I don't!

Noli: yes you do!

Captain Hook: what's all this fighting about!!

John: dad! Your back from the Treasure stealing mission!

Captain Hook: indeed! Now can one of you two me why you were fighting?

John: we weren't fighting...

Captain Hook: oh? What were you talking about then?

Noli: how John's mission went!

Captain Hook: tell me John...did you get him?

John: no....he flew away before I a chance to throw him into the Lave pit...

Captain: you will get him next time! Here's a little secret.....make sure to ground him before you attack ok?

John nodded.

Captain Hook: Good led! Now you and your sister make yourself's useful!

John: Let's go Noli!

They both run off stage!

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