~ Chapter One ~

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They say everything that happens, happens for a reason, but I'm not sure that in my situation thats the case.

My names Rory Layn, and right now I'm standing out the front of new house in Geelong, Victoria, surveying the large, neat house with supreme precision, like that of which an eagle surveys it prey before deciding whether or not it was good enough of take.

Right now I was leaning towards the 'I hate this why did we move? The only bad thing back in Sydney was Chloe Brents and I could've dealt with her' rather than the 'yes I moved to Geelong!!' side. I sighed. I really didn't understand why my father had been so eager to move down to Victoria, except for the small factor that this house was larger and a bit more neatly placed.

There was nothing I could do about our moving down here now though, as once my father had his mind set on something there was no way of changing it. So that meant I wouldn't be moving back up to Sydney, back up to my friends, back up to my old, comfortable life. There was no use dwelling on the past now though. It was just make me long even more for those days to be back.

Leaning back slightly to peer at the second story of the house, I recoiled. This looked like, this look way

to much like ... Never mind. The colour and the exact placement of the window and balcony was surely just a coincedence. I pushed unwelcome thoughts to the back of my mind and critisized myself. I was officially losing it. Well done Rory!

I looked into the window, that of which I assumed belonged to my room. Floating lazily on the inside of the spotless window, pinned precariously to the sides of it, were laced, purple velvet curtains. They were an ... Interesting colour, to say the least. But the sky blue colour the interior of the room was painted was absolutely perfect, and out the front, as previously mentioned, there was a large balcony, upon it a dull brown seat and some furnishings, making it immediately look inviting. So far the room (and the size of the house) were the only things in this whole state I liked better then anything in Sydney. Of course, I hadn't met anyone or been anywhere else, yet I usually jumped to conclusions.

I decided it was finally time to enter, albeit reluctantly, my new home. I mean, I was supposed to live here and I couldn't, no, wouldn't, stay outside forever. Brushing a strand of my long blond hair out of my face, I narrowed my green eyes and suddenly turned into a house critic. I obviously wasn't, but it felt that way as I was scrutinising every single minor detail or flaw the house had to offer.

A speck of dust here, a scratch there, an odd bright red feature wall the clashed with the dull colours of the rest of the house quite extraordinarily. But the house in itself was quite grand and luxurious. I mostly wanted to go check my new room out, but as they say curiousity killed the cat, so I set to milling around the soon-to-be lounge room considering whether or not I should text Georgia. She was my best friend, and I obviously wanted to talk to her, but I was afraid I would have a breakdown as soon as I heard her voice.

I was saved from my quite intense contemplation from a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" I yelled out to my father. God knows if he heard me or not. Upon opening the door, I was greeted by an extremely good looking boy. I instantly found myslef lost in his perfect brown eyes, and returned his smile warmly. I know I said that the only thig better down here in Victoria when compared to Sydney was the size of the house and my room, but I think I just found something, or rather someone, that made Victoria better then any other place in the world.

"Hi, I'm Rory, and I just moved here. You are...?" I asked, hoping to start a conversation, because quite frankly I wanted to get to know this boy. Immediately he smiled.

"Ethan Karpathy."

That was the name that changed my life.

A/N - Hey guys! This is my first chapter in my first book so sorry if it isn't any good, don't be afraid to tell me how I can improve and how you want the story to go, I'll take all the advice I get! Anyways, I hope you guys like the story as it starts to play it, and message me with any ideas you have - Tiana xxxx

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