Chapter 01

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My eyelids started to flutter closed even despite the loud noises of people chatting and yelling filling my ears. I slowly dropped my hand onto the lunch table and felt sleep start to take me

"MIYUKI!" The loud screech of my best friend broke me out of my sleepy state, but I still felt it's effects.

"Sorry Kimika, I was up late... um... studying last night," I explained, my voice quiet and rough. Kimika didn't look convinced, but luckily the bell rang and up we sprang towards our next class.
As the last bell of the day rang, signaling the end of school for the week, I felt my ring buzz.

"Damn," I quickly muttered before looking around me. Standing with her back to the wall was my partner Himari Honda.

"Himari, activate Angel Mode," I whispered to her and ran behind a dumpster. She started to glow a bright blue, as did my ring, and then woosh! She was inside of me and I had my duty to do.

Now I was Hime; The Royal Angelic Knight!

I quickly pressed the ruby on my ring and a screen came up. After messing around with the buttons for a minute, I spread my angel wings and took off to go fight.

Trying to remember the coordinates was tough, but I managed okay. I saw a small creature surrounded by fire and I knew this was it.

"Hello Hime, glad you came," I heard a voice say to my left as I landed. I whipped my head around to see who was spoke to me, then I saw one of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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