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It snapped its jaws over and over, hoping to get a chunk of my flesh. I held its head away from me as best I could, but my arm was growing tired, and the other head was beginning to grow back. I had woken up to Roulette fighting this thing, she eventually got knocked unconscious, leaving me to fight it by myself. And so far its not going well, every time my aura regenerates it attacks me with full force, destroying my aura again. It eventually pinned me down and started to bite down, I pushed its head up to keep that from happening.

"Damn it!! Just give up already!!" I shouted in annoyance, my arm almost gave out, so I put my feet to its shoulders to help get ride of the weight on my arm. It worked, sort of.


I waited quietly in my tent, after awhile some troopers came buy looking sick, others had horror frozen on their face. I can't even begin to explain the burst of emotions I felt.

Fear, grief, surprise, relief, sadness, and unbearable pain. So much so that I had to hold my head until the pain went away. At the same time I saw a group of medical troopers rushing past with to stretchers(?), I decided to follow. They entered the medical tent, I walked in, pushing the fabric aside. I gasped.

Two young girls, maybe a few years older then me, where covered in blood head to toe. The silver haired one had many bruises on her body, about a dozen claw marks, and what looked like a broken arm. I stared in shock.

"What happened?" I force out, standing over the other. She was completely unconscious, and in worse shape then the silver head. I hesitantly put my fingers to her neck, checking for a pulse.

"Don't know, they wondered into the camp not to long ago and General Kenobi ordered us to bring them here." A trooper responded, tending to the silver head. I noticed that they had animal features, the gray haired had a tail, and the silver haired had feathers. They didn't look like any race I knew of.

"What, are they?"

"No clue."

"Commander Tano, General Skywalker requests your presence!" Another trooper said, bursting in. I slowly nodded, hesitant to leave the two girls, but I followed anyway.

We entered the main tent and Cody, Rex, Skyguy, and Master Kenobi stood around a hologram of Masters Yoda and Windu. They looked at me when we entered, I silently took my place beside my master.

"Padawan Tano, saw them did you?" Master Yoda asked, I looked at the ground, silent. He hummed in understanding. "Unexpected, this is, but not ignored. A plan do you have, Master Kenobi?"

"Yes, whatever it is they faced seemed to be quite powerful, and, savage to say the least." He pulled up a map of the crashed ship. "Me and Cody will come in from the North, along this path here." He pointed to the path blocked by the ship. "Anakin and Captain Rex will circle around and come in from behind, and get the other two away from battle. We will create a distraction long enough for them to escape, our main adjective is to get them to safety. After they are, we'll see what we can do about the beast."

"Get moving, I suggest."


"WHY DON'T YOU JUST GIVE UP YOU STUPID THING!!?" I shouted, punching its other head away. I kept struggling with it for the next few minutes, then I felt the ground shake. I press my ear to the ground, footsteps.

"About damn time!" I mutter, the footsteps grew closer, then I crane my head to see a ginger haired man followed by many people in white armor. The Grimm noticed this too, it snapped its head up and growled at the new threat. I took this chance to escape, I kick both its heads away from me then back flip out.

"Don't just stand there shot it!!" I snap at them, then ran over to Roulette before being blasted to pieces. I crush into her just as a, laser bolt?! Flies past where my head was, as soon as I make contact with her, I activated my semblance and we vanish. My heart going 1 thousand miles a second.

"That was WAY to close!!" I sigh as I fall onto the ground. Realizing just how tired I am. Come to think of it, its been about a day since I've slept. I close my eyes and get some much needed rest.

A Rose in War (Clone Wars and RWBY crossover)(Indefinite hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now