She's A Busy Girl

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Hello, Hello, I live. It's been almost a month since I've updated? But I have reasons this time, haha

I had a family vacation at the end of July, after seeing Dan and Phil on tour, and I didn't get back until like August 4th or 5th. Once I got back I had a job interview, I got the job, I filled out a 2-week notice for my other job (I was working as a water slide director at a pool and it was extremely boring). I started my new job, so for a while I was working 3 jobs at once (Pool, babysitting, and new job), and then 2 weeks later I was done at the pool, and I've been working at my new job steadily for 3-4 days per week.

I'm finally settling down after the whole switch between work but I'm doing good. I got a job at Panera Bread where I'm currently in the dining room position. That means I clean down tables and bring dishes into the back of house. I make backup tea and iced teas and fill the tea dishes when I need to. I make coffee every hour and I am in charge of bringing that out and replacing hot water when it is necessary, and all of that jazz. It's been super nice doing a job that actually makes my mind work instead of just sitting at the top of a water slide.

Other than all of that, I've been really good. I've been practicing driving as often as possible, and I finally saved up enough of my own money to buy a Nintendo Switch. I got it 2 days ago and all I have for it is Octopath Traveler, which I'm really enjoying.

School starts in two weeks and 3 days, and I'm going into my junior year which is crazy. I've been thinking about college a lot recently. It's hard to believe that within a year I'll be starting to fill out applications. They say Junior Year is when all of that college preparation really gets started and such. I'm going to be spending my afternoons at a vocational school near my school where I'll be taking a graphic design course. Because of that, I only have 3 classes this year, basically. The Graphic Design course takes care of my science until I graduate, so I don't need to take chemistry this year or physics next year. I'm also all done with my foreign language, so I don't have Spanish anymore. All I have this year is English, Trigonometry, and US History. I'm not in any honors classes anymore because I simply don't have time for them in my schedule, but that's okay. With my new job and stuff, it's for the best that I don't have summer assignments to do for honors classes. Besides those three classes, I have an alternating period everyday where I'm either in a study hall of Phys Ed. And then after that period I'm done at school for the day, and I catch a bus to my graphic design course.

I've been talking about random stuff a lot uh oh

Uhhh I just wanted to update you guys to let you know I wasn't dead or anything! Maybe now that I'm settling into work I'll update a bit more often. Either way though, have a nice evening, morning, day!


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