Mating season + Freinds with benefits

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"Hey Emma" I look up I see Lucy and everybody else in the guild behind her.

"What is it" I'm confused.

"Everybody wants to know what are your powers exactly" she placed her hand on her hip.

"Well I its kinda hard to explain so get some popcorn" I sigh and crack my knuckles.

"Ok so basically I have the power of the periodic table, I usually put them together and make something more deadly and then had a touch of magic to it and I keep mixtures in this satchel and right before I battle I drink it which gives me the power of the deadly poison explosives, you know but it's not that simple I can't use the power of my heart isn't in it and I'm at my most powerful when I'm battling for love or lust; also there's more it also gives me the ability to look into people's minds and I can see when the were maybe overwhelmed with lust or love." I looked over at them they seemed shocked.

"Hey Emma question and it's not about your power" tilted my head to Natsu and simply said shoot

"What do you know about mating season" I smirked so mating season is almost here I'm excited I happen to know a lot about mating season for dragons and dragon slayers.

"Well I know a lot about the matter why do you ask"

"Well I was thinking which caused my brain the hurt but not the point anyways I thought about something Igneel said and it was about mating season" he then started eating.

"Well I know it is different for different dragons depending on how strong there senses are for Natsu I will effect you a lot and Wendy and gajeel I will affect a lot just not as much as Natsu" I look at Natsu and he looks like he's in pain.

"My brain hurts but what are the stages" he rubs his head.

"Lust, aggressiveness and being clingy and in that order and also mating season starts in a week if I'm correct" I look around everybody but Gajeel, Makarov And Laxus looks surprised.

"Anyways let's move on I was thinking about spilling it out on Levy and Gajeel" I smirked.

"Be Careful What you say next" gajeel gave me a death glare whatever.

"So we all know the term friends with benefits right" everybody shook there head yes.

"Well that's exactly what Levy and him are now I'm not going to say anymore" I smiled and looked at Levy she was almost as red as Ezra's hair. Speaking of Erza where is she What ever she's  probably on a job.

"What Levy is this true" Lucy and the other two guys that follow Levy around said all at once.

"Well i mean. Yeah." Levy muttered every so softly. The two guys glared
at gajeel who was leaning on Levy.

Short I know

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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