431 68 1.9K

💥 Please answer the question honestly.

💥We want to know more about you can you tell us about yourself?

💥Comment inline your answers.

1. Crush

2. Height

3. Favorite Food

4. Favorite Singer

5. Favorite Song

6. Do you still love your enemy?

7. 3 facts about me (Founder Seb)

8. Your Hobby

9. Single or Taken?

10. Loyal or Not to any book clubs you in?

11. Stories you want to promote?

12. Why do you want to be a writer?

13. What do you like to a girl or guy?

14. Studying or Working?

15. Can you tag someone who's looking for a club?

16. What do you want to ask to God?

17. What if someday you became a famous writer?

18. Food lover or Sleep lover?

19. Happy or not today?

20. Most difficult situation you encounter?

Founder Seb

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