Chapter 13: The Calm Before the Storm

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The four had walked for a few minutes into the suffocating blackness of the forest beneath the night sky. They didn't want to go too far in, only enough that they could place lanterns down without being seen from the house. They eventually came to a small area surrounded by thick twigs and blades of grass, where the ground was covered with beautifully brown, fallen leaves, with a large, smooth stone to compliment the peaceful atmosphere of the clearing. Darkos managed to escort the two mosquitos through the foliage that acted as a ceiling for the clearing, securing the vial with a few small rocks. Arthur and Selenia made short work of some of the leaves with their respective weapons, cutting out little brown blankets for the four of them, although Darkos insisted on keeping watch, reminding them that he had lived in Necropolis for most of his life, and that he was used to going several days without sleep. With a few quick 'goodnight's', the three Minimoys grabbed a spot in the clearing, and began to rest their bodies onto the soft, natural blanket of nature.

But, unsurprisingly, Arthur couldn't get to sleep. His mind, as always, was swirling with the events of the past couple of days. He just kept twisting, and turning in his subconscious state, until he finally forced his eyes open. He had been dipping in and out of uncomfortable rest, and had no idea what time it was, although the harsh brightness of the lamp a few steps from his head assured him it was still night. Moving silently to sit upright in his leafy blanket, he was slightly surprised to see Darkos looking at him from a few feet away, although he made no movement to suggest this, as he feared it would offend Darkos. He slowly brushed the leaf off of his legs, and got to his feet, moving over to the base of the vial where Darkos was standing.

"Can't sleep, huh?" Darkos asked as Arthur joined him in leaning against the glassy surface of the vial. Arthur shook his head. 

"No. I haven't been sleeping well over the past couple of days." He explained.

"I don't blame you. The first night sleeping in your grandparent's house was the best night's sleep I'd had in years." He stated, gazing at one of the lanterns.

"Did you really go days without sleep in Necropolis?" Arthur asked, curiously. Darkos turned back to look at him.

"Necropolis is a dark place, Arthur. The only natural light is from that pipe you dropped the ball into. Father never liked light, so most of the place was kept permanently in darkness. You lose track of day and night down there, so you eventually stop sleeping. A few days in Necropolis would probably drive a Minimoy insane."

"But not you?"

"Necropolis was my home. I was forced to get used to it. But even so..." He looked distantly upwards to the night sky. "There are some things down there I'd give anything to unsee." He muttered. Arthur's ears pricked up, as he remembered when him and the others had passed by Necropolis on their way up to the house, and Selenia had mentioned something worse than M. Something that she didn't name.

"Darkos, Selenia mentioned something when we passed by Necropolis. Something she said was 'worse than M'." He looked Darkos in the eyes. "What is down there that's so terrifying?" He asked, confidently. Darkos looked downwards.

"I'm not sure that's a question you want an answer to, Arthur."

"Please, Darkos. I want to know." He insisted. Darkos gave a sigh, and stood from the vial. He began walking towards the foliage, motioning for Arthur to follow.

"Let's take a walk." He said, disappearing into the foliage. Arthur quickly grabbed the sword, before silently running to follow him.

Arthur walked behind Darkos for a few minutes as he led them through the dense foliage to the base of a conifer tree. Withdrawing his huge sword, Darkos thrust it into the hard bark of the tree, stepping upwards and fitting his feet into the small gaps and crevices the skin of the tree had to offer. As he lifted both feet from the ground, he turned back to Arthur with a grin.

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