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*Ella's POV*

You wake up to your mom screaming at you.


"Okay!", You said clearly annoyed.

You got dressed.^^^^^

You packed all your suitcases into the car and got in along with your parents. (You live in Toledo Ohio)

You were driving since it was only 3.5 hours away. Once you got on the highway you plugged your headphones into your phone and played 8 letters by your favorite band Why Don't we.


Its was 11:30 and you had been on the road for 1.5 hours and you were getting hungry.

"Can we get food, im hungry?"

"NO! your already fat enough!",Your Father screamed.

You rolled your eyes and went back to sleep for the rest of the ride.

*Skip 2 hours*

"HEY ASSHOLE WERE HERE!", Your mom screamed slaping you over and over very hard.

You look up and see your hotel. Its just a normal Days Inn. You grab your stuff out of the trunk and take it into the Hotel. Once you got to the room you ran over to the snacks they had and you ate all of them.

*30 Minutes Later*

Your parents went to the casino so you walked to the beach since the hotel only a mile away from the beach.

*3:00 PM*

You arrived at the beach and layed down your towel and started tanning.

After 45 minutes of tanning you decided to go into the water. You noticed there was 2 familes at the beach, but you didnt think much of it. Once you got in the waves pulled you deeper and deeper into the water until you couldnt touch the bottom. you started splashing and screaming help when you could. As you were getting pulled under you remembered that there was no lifegaurds and you thougt you were gonna die until someone picked you up but you didnt care who it was you immediatly latched onto him.

*Daniels POV*

My family and i were in Erie Pennsylvania for vacation with Jack and his Family. We thought it would be fun to go to the beach.

We arrive at the beach and straight away i noticed that no one was here except for us and a girl. She is really pretty. i stare at her for what seemed hours until Jack called me from into the water.

"Bro come on!!"

Then i put my stuff with the others and sprinted into the water.

After swimmimg for 30 minutes i heard a girl yelling and splashing. I looked around and saw the girl drowning. I swam really fast over to her and picked her up and out of the water and set her on her towel.

Runner//Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now