Three Days Left

18 1 3

Inky black, shattered stars.

Never has death been so near.

Know that you will be far from life.


  "You're up." griped the nurse "You have visitors." Then she left the blank white room. She entered again shoving three people into the room."If you get any trouble out of these... Pests, I'll be more than happy to rid you of them." the nurse said before exiting the room."Good day." she said before banging the door shut so the room shook.

  The three looked flustered. Rose recognized one as Joey Drew. He was wearing his typical dress-shirt and overalls and was sitting in a wheelchair. His usual kind face was looking unshaven and sunken.

  "Joey, I keep telling you that it is not good to keep working overtime at your studio," Rose said with concern. "And your leg won't get any better if you don't get any rest."

  "I know honey-pie, I know" he said shamefully as Rose gave him a stern look.

  "But you don't listen. Like last time, or the time before that."  she went on "Kids, do you neemember what the doctor said?"

  Pearl, the fourteen-year-old girl, responded."The doctor said the infection will fester and the bone won't heal good." Pearl had the same curls that Rose once had, that was true, but she inherited most of her father's looks. Her twelve-year-old brother was the other way around."The infection would get worser and worser."

  "And do you know what would happen if daddy didn't listen?" Rose asked her son, Irving.

  "Daddy..." Irving said between tears and sniffles "Would... Be g-g-given to the worms!" Irving wailed. It was bad enough that his mother was dying, but it was even worse that his dad could die too.

  The nurse swung the door open and stomped into the room with a furious look and grabbed Irv. "THERE ARE SICK PEOPLE HERE!!! BE QUIET NOW!!!"

  Rose got so mad that she got out of bed and tore the nurse away from Irv. "You don't talk to my son like that. Now get out." she said with an icy tone of voice.

  "Yeah, whaddya gonna do about it?" the flaming nurse said. Joey turned his wheelchair towards the nurse with a look that would scare off anyone. The nurse took one look at him and gave a genuine look of fright. "Mr. Drew?!" the nurse exclaimed in shock

  "That's right. And if I hear one more word out of you, you'll have a harder time finding a job than if you don't." he said."Now leave my wife and kids alone, you got that? Now scram!" Joey said with his eye twitching.

  "But-" responded the nurse, only to be interrupted.

  "I said SCRAM!" Joey shouted once more getting out of the wheelchair. The nurse gave a frightened yelp and ran out of the room.

   Joey unexpectedly fell to the ground, not clutching his leg, but his chest. The same thing happened to Pearl and Irving. 

  "No!!" cried Rose running to them as they began choking on thick black ink. The IV dragged behind; Rose was so frightened that she didn't care for her own life. More of the ink came out off their mouths. They were suffering terribly and Rose didn't know what was happening.

  When they stopped breathing, ink was flowing steadily."Help!" she cried."Please, somebody! Help" Rose was now holding her family in her arms.

  By then, people were on their way. But Rose was locked in by a strange force. And the rescuers were also locked out.

  Rose didn't care that she was covered in ink from her family. She wept and wept for them. She wept in till she couldn't weep anymore.

  There was banging on the door. That was when Bendy appeared. It was him, but he appeared slightly taller and a little ink was dropping down his fearful face.

  "Please help my family. I don't know what's happening, but please help." her voice was cracked from crying. She knew she was talking to a cartoon, but this was desperate.

  The ink demon was panicking as well, but he was struggling to contain it. His gloved hand was placed on his forehead."Okay, erm... Lets see..." Bendy was panicking as well.

  He placed his hand to Irvings' head, and then the ink started receeding until Irving started breathing again. He did the same for Pearl, and she breathed normally again. Finally, Joey was revived to his average breathing.

  "T-thank... Thank you!" Rose said relieved."They mean so much to me."

  Bendy, who looked just as relieved as her, straightened his necktie although it looked already perfect other than being a bit ink-stained. "It was nothing, Rose" 

  Bendy receeded into the ground without a trace.

  Rose fell unconscious.

Rose was shaken awake.

  The first person she saw was Joey. "She's alive!" 

  The crowd of people sighed in relief. "What happened?" she asked weakly.

  "You fell to the ground and started screaming for help. Next thing you know, ink started coming out like a faucet and you stopped breathing." Joey replied. "When it stopped, you cried 'Bring me to the machine' repeatedly.

  "It happened again and when the kids went for help, they couldn't get the door open. It brought us all into a panic... We all thought you were dead. When people got here, we couldn't get a pulse. It was a miracle that you got back to normal."


  "Now, sweetie, you need your rest." he interrupted. "That was enough stress for us all"


(Authors note)

  So it turns out that Rose was the one who had that freaky ink episode, not her family. Any requests, I'm here. Special thanks to my friend NekoQueen_Miri.

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