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Leader: Petalstar- a small, lithe white she-cat with light-brown tabby markings
Deputy: Oakfoot- large, muscular white tom with a brown right foot.

Snakefur- a large, slim light-grey tom with narrow, snake-like green eyes
Duskfall- a slim light-grey, slightly brown she-cat with amber eyes
Adderhop- large, long-legged brownish greyish tom with a long tail and brown eyes
Blossomfur- black she-cat covered in white spots
Shineclaw- a small, glossy-furred grey tabby tom with unusually sharp claws
Spottedpelt- tiny white she-cat with black spots and blue eyes
Heronwing- large, long-legged light-grey tom with brown eyes

Silkpaw- slim, soft-furred white she-cat with blue eyes
Scratchpaw- large black tom covered in battle-scars (oldest apprentice)
Rustlepaw- large ginger tom with orange eyes
Tidepaw- small grey tom with bright green eyes and tabby markings (youngest apprentice)
Crowpaw- small black tom with yellow eyes and a torn ear

Littlespot- tiny black and white she-cat scattered in grey spots

Bramblethorn- large brown tom with torn ears, untidy, matted fur and amber eyes (oldest elder)
Skyfoot- small light-grey she-cat with one white paw and light-blue eyes
Grizzlyfur- huge brown tom with a muzzle beginning to grey and a torn ear (youngest elder)

Leader: Rainstar- a huge grey tom with silver tinged around his muzzle and paws and dull, greyish blue eyes
Deputy: Snowstrike- a large white tom with silver stripes and blue eyes

Bushfur- a large, black and white, fluffy tom with amber eyes and a bushy tail
Frostpelt- a small, light-grey she-cat with white tinged around her muzzle and blue eyes
Lightningcloud- a gigantic light-grey tom with ginger stripes running down his back and long fur
Frozenstream- a slim grey she-cat with one green eye and one blue and dark-grey tabby markings
Featherheart- large grey she-cat with black patches and blue eyes

Wolfpaw- small, sturdy grey tom with amber eyes and a bushy tail
Ashpaw- huge light-grey she-cat with dark grey spots and dark green eyes
Spiderpaw- small, long-legged black tom with one grey paw and green eyes

Leader: Brownstar- huge light-brown tom with dark-brown spots
Deputy: Swiftleap- large long-legged white tom with black stripes and a black muzzle

Leader: Palestar- small, pale ginger she-cat with clear blue eyes and sharp claws
Deputy: Stagpelt- large brown tom with a sticky-out tooth and large paws

Hegdetail- bushy-tailed white tom with light-grey patches and hedge-green eyes

RiverClans destiny #1: River Unwinding (Warrior Cats)Where stories live. Discover now