Chapter four

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I'm sorryy I have been gone for a while but I'm back and I hope you enjoy!
Shane's POV ( time skip: 2 weeks)
Today is mine and Ryland's 5 year anniversary and honestly, it feels like time is flying by faster than the speed of light. Ryland is snuggled into my chest breathing softly making me smile to myself as I kissed his forehead gently. He slowly opened his beautiful blue eyes, looking into my green ones.
" Good morning Ry... How did you sleep?" I asked whispering softly. He smiled at me leaning his head up to connect his soft lips to mine. I immediately kissed back passionately but also hungrily, wanting more of him against me.
" Good babe but only because of you." He said pulling away from our kiss.
" I'm glad I make you feel good baby and by the way, happy anniversary." I said smiling, looking into his eyes.
" Happy 5 years Shaney." He said smiling brightly.
" I thought instead of going out, like we always do. We could stay home and celebrate." I said.
" Sounds good to me, I didn't feel like getting ready anyway." He said laughing a little.
" Great, I'll go cook some breakfast. Pancakes or waffles with strawberries and blueberries?" I asked knowing he switches it up now.
" Pancakes pleaseee." He said getting up with me. My heart stopped and my head started spinning from what I saw on his arm.
" Ryland... W-why.." I said my voice breaking. He looked confused but then realized what I was looking at.
" Shit, I forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt... Shane.. I..I." He said looking down. I didn't know what to say and he didn't either.
" How long have you been hiding this from me.." I felt bad for Ryland but I also felt furious with him for not talking to me.
"About 2 weeks.." he said sounding nervous.
" You've kept this from me for 2 weeks?? Ryland you know you can talk to me about anything... baby I'm here for you.. but obviously you didn't trust me enough to tell me what's going on..." I was ranting at this point, I didn't even notice the tears falling from my eyes until Ryland reached up to wipe them away. He kept his hand on my cheek and then I realized he was crying too...
" S-Shane I'm sorry, it's not that I don't trust you because I do with all my heart and soul... it's just.. I didn't wanna stress you out, you have been so busy with making and editing videos lately.. I just didn't wanna be a bother." He said making my heart shatter.
" I'm never to busy for you to talk to me, even if it does stress me out we will get through it together baby.. you're not a bother no matter what I'm doing, you will always come first." I said honestly, sitting back down on the bed urging Ryland to sit in my lap and he did, laying his head on my shoulder.
" I'm so sorry Shane, I will start talking to you no matter what it's about."
" It's okay but I need you to promise me no more harming yourself in any way." I said sternly.
" I promise baby no more ever again." He said. I kissed his head letting him know it's okay.
" Now, how about those pancakes?" I said smiling. He smiled back making my heart start beating again.

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