Chapter 1

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The sirens call me.
The bright, red and blue lights flash in my face as one of the cars head out of the car park.

Each officer wears their uniform proudly presenting who they are alongside the pair of handcuffs, a taser gun, and a standard gun embedded into the pockets of the belt which wraps around their waists.

The commotion occurring in the waiting room alerts everyone as several of us rush over to separate a group of individuals aimlessly throwing punches at one another.

A bunch of hooligans, that's what they are.

They were brought in for causing disruption and now they're making trouble here as well. We should have left them in the streets, it would save us from being in the situation we're currently in now.

"Control to Officer Jones, come in" the familiar sound of the radio crackles from a nearby officer. 

I haven't been here for a long time but I'd say long enough to get sick and tired of the radios. At this point, I want to literally crush them with my boots and dump them somewhere far away.

You would think that the purpose of the radios is effective communication right?

The only communication that happens in this station is these guys asking each other to make them 'a cup of tea and biscuits', they end up having more than one cup, I can tell you that.

"Officer Crawford".

Did I mention that they also make me go shopping for the biscuits which they eat?

The money is coming out of my pockets and the biscuits are going in their stomachs, no wonder they're all piling on the weight.

"Officer Crawford!"

Someday, I genuinely do hope that they choke on them biscuits, that'll teach them to stop wasting time and start doing their actual jobs.

"OFFICER CRAWFORD!" My head snaps towards PC Jones as I sharply glare at him for yelling in my ears.

What have I done wrong now? Forgotten to get him custard creams have I?

"If this is about your biscuits, no I didn't touch them so don't try accusing me of eating them" I say in an annoyed tone as I cross my arms against my chest.

His eyes half widen before he too crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow at me in question.

"I did not accuse you, Lewis. All I'm saying is that you're a newbie and you've got a lot to learn" he says trying to justify himself for his actions.

He has accused me of eating his biscuits and threatened me twice before finding out that I'm the one who buys them in the first place. It's like they're all just taking advantage of me because I'm the newbie and I can't do much about it but to accept it because I have no choice but to do so.

"Oh no, of course, you're not accusing me just like you didn't threaten to kill me either over the biscuits" I say in annoyance as I roll my eyes at him and try to ignore his presence.

Sometimes, I honestly wonder why I even want to be a police officer, I mean I know why but I can't help but think is it actually worth it?

I expected to be cracking cases and at least be doing some proper action work, instead, I'm on paperwork duty and providing these idiots with tea and biscuits.

Well at least my parents will be proud of me, as long as they're happy with what I'm doing then that's all that matters to me. I still live with them because I can't exactly afford a place of my own on minimum wage can I?

I could stay with my brother Isaac, he has a place of his own but then again, I don't want to be bothering him either. I'm really close to him but I don't want to feel like I'm a burden for him. He shouldn't have to be taking care of me and my problems even though he does.

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