Operation: Mystery Weapon

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Pairings: None

Warnings: None

Requested Flames: None





"Knockout." Shockwave's monotone echoed throughout the medbay.

"What is it now?" The medic snorted. "I was BUSY."

Shockwave ignored the comment. "What is your progress? Lord Megatron requires the results from your experiment with Dark Energon and Synthen."

Knockout huffed. "Here." He thrust the requested datapads at the scientist.

Shockwave, however, remained. "I also require the new weapon schematics."

With a scowl Knockout complied.

Shockwave walked down the hall examining the data pads with care.

Interesting. Knockout had done well. The new weapon would make it much easier to decimate their opponents, the


He strode into the command center. Megatron turned to greet his head scientist.

"Shockwave. Is the weapon ready?"

"Yes, my Lord. Almost. The plans are ready, your workers have only to build it."

Megatron smiled. He spoke. "Very good. You have done well."

He held out his hand for the datapads.

Turning to Soundwave, he ordered, "Have the Vehicons build this. Starscream will fetch whatever materials are required."

Silently as always, Soundwave dipped his helm in acknowledgement.

Knowing he was dismissed, Shockwave took his leave.

Megatron smiled toothily. The Autobots would have no clue what had happened. Things were certainly looking up.


Sorry for the shortness. Blegh

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