Sketch Me. Sew Me.

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It was going to be another hot summer day in Central Park, you found a shady spot under your favorite tree, the one that was back in the corner where no one could disturb you and you were free to sketch the world around you. Grabbing your charcoal pencil, you began working on the face that had been haunting your dreams for the past few weeks, the same man that ran past you every time you were in the park, he never failed to show up.

Bucky grabbed a bottle of water and made his way out of Avengers tower, he rushed down the stairs instead of taking the elevator as he was running behind for his early morning jog. He made it out the front door, zipping up his jacket as the cool morning air held a bite. He started his run by taking random streets, never running the same way more than once in a week, to prevent him from falling into a routine. It made it so no one could find him in the same spot at a certain time. He did have one flaw though, he always ran through Central Park, going by the spot where the girl would always sit under the tree, with sheets of paper and some pencils.

Bucky entered the park his heart pounding to the rhythm of his feet as they hit the concrete. He stopped in front of the tree, staring at you as you sat beneath it, wanting to say something but not sure what to say.

"Hey! Fat ass with the metal arm! You're in my way." You yelled.

Bucky gave you a deer in the headlights look "I-I'm sorry?" He said as he looked around, seeing no one else, you realized it was him you were speaking to, his blue eyes went wide.

"It's fine could you just... ya' know move your tush, and take a few steps back that way." You pointed behind him.

Instead he moved towards you, flipping a few pages back to some of your other work. He got closer, looking down onto the paper to see what you were working on.

"You do that?" he asked after a few minutes, referencing the luscious garden you had sketched a few days earlier.

"Yeah, took me a few days before I got it just right though." You answered.

He sat down beside you, extending his right arm out. "James, but my friends call me Bucky."

"[Y/N]." you said, shaking his hand.

"You come here often?" he asked.

You couldn't help but laugh "Any chance I get, but mainly on my days off. What about you, do you always decide to hit on strange girls in the park?"

Bucky smiled cockily, "No, only the pretty ones."

You rolled your eyes, "Thanks."

"What were you working on?" He asked, causing you to look at him curiously. "Before I walked up, you were working on something and then you turned the page."

"Oh, it's nothing." You said closing the book all together, slowly packing up your materials.

"I didn't mean to-"

"Oh no, you didn't." you said, lying through your teeth.

"Ok, well see you tomorrow?" Bucky asked as he got to his feet, before he helped you to yours.

You bit the inside of your cheek, holding back your smile. "Yeah, that'd be nice."

Bucky smiled, saying goodbye before jogging off in the direction he came from.

Bucky gritted his teeth and tightened his jaw as Steve got the upper hand on him and threw him down onto the soft mat as they trained in the workout room of Avenger Tower.

"You feeling tired yet old man?" Steve joked as he backed off, hunched over to catch his breath.

"Oh, shit that's not good." Bucky said in all seriousness, as he laid still on the mat, making Steve jump to Bucky's side, Bucky took the opportunity to get revenge, swiping Steve's foot out from underneath him "Do I need to call a nurse for you? Maybe get you an oxygen tank and a wheelchair?"

Bucky Barnes / ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now